Covenant House Vancouver Sleep Out Home Edition A Success
byCovenant House Vancouver Sleep Out Home Edition A Success! 150 participants raised $190,000 for the cause on July 11, 2020
Covenant House Vancouver Sleep Out Home Edition A Success! 150 participants raised $190,000 for the cause on July 11, 2020
Get active for charity this summer in Metro Vancouver: From a hustle to a run or walk, even a sleep out, you can support local charities from home
The #CHVCatchUp is a monthly guest post from Covenant House Vancouver. Here is their update for May outlining how they are adapting services to best meet the needs of young people
Caring for At-Risk Youth During COVID-19: The first “Covenant House Catch Up” article in a new series supporting this vital Vancouver organization.
Vancouver Whitecaps FC have announced that Covenant House Vancouver will be the club’s new 50/50 fundraising program partner.