CREATE! Arts Festival Giveaway
byEnter to win an Art + Beer prize package from the CREATE! Arts Festival happening August 21-22, 2021 with art-making workshops, auction and more
Enter to win an Art + Beer prize package from the CREATE! Arts Festival happening August 21-22, 2021 with art-making workshops, auction and more
Together Again is a Burrard Arts Foundation exhibition and art auction, running August 10-24, 2021 in support of the participating artists
Eastside Arts Society Launches CREATE! Arts Festival with over 40 art-making workshops on the Eastside August 21-22, 2021
The Burrard Chinook, Translink’s latest SeaBus, features artwork from three Indigenous artists Kelly Cannell, Siobhan Joseph, and Angela George from the three local Nations
The Vancouver Mural Festival is August 4-22, 2021 with in-person and online events along with over 60 new murals and over 40 live shows.