Archive of posts tagged "aquarium"

World of the Weird at the Vancouver Aquarium

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I completely forgot about a special event this morning that my niece and nephews probably would have loved to attend, luckily – it was just a preview of what the Vancouver Aquarium has in store for this Halloween season so there will be many more chances to check it out. World of the Weird at […]

Name the Baby Beluga at the Vancouver Aquarium

Comments 17 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: The baby’s name has been chosen, and will now be called Tiqa This summer I had the chance to visit the Vancouver Aquarium for the first time in about a decade. What I discovered was that it was far from simply being a tourist attraction and an entertainment destination. It’s a valuable research facility, […]

The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Earlier this week I had a poll on my site about the potential smoking ban on Vancouver beaches. Contrary to past articles I have written that have had heated discussions about smokers and non-smokers alike, I was (pleasantly) surprised to see the conversation shift to a matter of litter, as opposed to one about air […]

A Morning at the Vancouver Aquarium

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I spent a fun-filled morning with my family as guests of the Vancouver Aquarium where the kids enjoyed interactive displays and learning about marine life around the world. When I was little we spent school field trips perched on the edges of our bleacher seats watching the majestic orcas perform stunts for handycam-toting crowds. Nowadays […]