For every city John and I visit, we enter at least one museum. In the spring it was the Concord Museum in Massachusetts (with artifacts from writers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau), then it was the The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (where we looked up a painting by Iowa […]
It has been the soundtrack to sleepovers, road trips, and pool parties for almost thirty years. With that kind of pressure, and a lot of anticipation, Dirty Dancing premiered on stage in Vancouver and left even the biggest super-fans extremely happy. Dirty Dancing on Stage in Vancouver Opening at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre earlier this […]
An American History Walking Tour in Concord, Massachusetts: The Concord Museum, Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Old North Bridge and more.
We spend so much time looking up and over at the mountains in Vancouver. Luckily, thanks to their accessibility, through trails in the summer and powder-covered slopes in the winter, we get almost as many chances to look down at the city from their peaks. Vancouver From the North Shore Mountains in Winter A photo […]
Night hikes along ice-filled canyons, airline deals, cheering on world-class athletes, and mid-mountain dining are all featured in this month’s set of stories on SnowSeekers BC Snow Stories for January 2016 I get to write alongside a talented (and adventurous) team of influencers and story-tellers on and here are some of our highlighted […]