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Canucks Autism Network

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For the past six years, the Canucks Autism Network (“CAN”) has hosted the CAN Family Festival, a free day of activities for families in Downtown Vancouver. Beyond the event, CAN delivers programs in safe and highly supported environments across the Lower Mainland, on the Island, and in the Interior. Canucks Autism Network Founded in 2008 […]

Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers Launches #WorldWithoutCrime

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Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers is launching a multi-platform awareness campaign to reinforce the message that individuals can play a crucial role in fighting crime and help make their communities safer. Using social media hashtags #WorldWithoutCrime, #WorldWithoutGangs and #WorldWithoutIllegalGuns, the campaign takes an unusually lighthearted approach to the very serious issues of gang activity and gun […]

Guided Nature Walks Around Metro Vancouver

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You can learn something new with every footstep you take in our remarkable coastal rainforests, especially if you do so under the guidance of knowledgeable volunteers and experts. Here are just a few ways the whole family can connect with, and learn about, nature this season: Guided Nature Walks Around Metro Vancouver Surrey Join guided […]

Salvador Dali Sculpture on Public Display in Vancouver

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Chali-Rosso Art Gallery, Vancouver’s largest private gallery of original European Modern Master collections, has announced that it will temporarily gift the City of Vancouver with an original Salvador Dali three-dimensional, museum size, large scale bronze sculpture called Dance of Time I, valued at $750,000. This will be the first time that this sculpture has ever […]

April Theatre Listings for Vancouver

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

One of my favourite Vancouver date night activities with my husband is a dinner and a show, which is why I’m so excited to partner with the Jessie Awards this year to bring you monthly theatre listings. The Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards are an annual awards ceremony and party produced by the Jessie Richardson Theatre […]