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RadioZoom Video Podcasts

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We’ve done a couple video podcasts lately and I’ve failed to cross post the entries over here from RadioZoom. Our latest adventure is trudging through the fallen tree carcasses of Stanley Park, over 2 weeks after a storm raged through the area. RadioZoom Video Podcast #10 – Run Time 20:06 Mins (click here for direct […]

I am the Nino

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

John and I are watching the Canucks cruise into their 5th straight win, nope, no breaking the streak tonight… [Canucks&Beyond] even though we’re just in the first intermission. I thought I’d just post something on a slightly lighter note, since earlier today it got a little heavy. Flipping through channels during the intermission John came […]

Stanley Park is Open… Right

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: Video Podcast where we meander through the Park… where we can. The big news for Vancouver today is that our beloved Stanley Park has re-opened [cbc] since being ravaged by a storm with hurricane-force winds a couple of weeks ago [audihertz]. John and I got out of the house on this sunny afternoon to […]