It’s been a year since the Komrade Sessions EP was released on iTunes and Chin Up Buttercup, the 4th full-length album from Canadian singer-songwriter Holly McNarland, is in stores now [Website][MySpace]. We just caught her last night on Urban Rush where she performed the first single from Chin Up Buttercup, “Every Single Time”. I’ve seen […]
My sister’s beau would not believe her when she told him that raccoons can be rather ornery creatures. I confirmed this with a few stories as did John who is always amazed at how tourists in the park stop to take pictures of the nocturnal mammals. They can be dangerous, can hiss at you, not […]
Last night I had a vicious migraine and passed out around 9am. I woke up this morning, got out of bed and my legs didn’t want to work. After thumping down onto the bedroom floor and telling my body it was time to wake up I made my way to the computer. I had my […]
I was viewing my incoming links this morning and caught this one, which seems pretty interesting. If you head to the main website for The Province newspaper, which is you’ll see on the top right “Province Blogs“. Yesterday they introduced their brand new Newsroom: We’ve started The Newsroom in an effort to keep in […]
Keira and I hit up the West End Block Party today. Although it was very kid-centric we got to explore, play carnival games, and be a couple big kids ourselves. I tell ya, we had to get a kid to show us how to play one game because it was pretty darn tough. We completed […]