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Facebook Awards: Best of the West 2007

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

By now we all know pretty much that Facebook is one HUGE a social networking tool to be reckoned with. As of late November 2007, the website has the largest number of registered users among college-focused sites with 55 million active members (including non-collegiate members) worldwide, with membership expected to surpass 60 million users by […]

New Anti-Smoking Ban and Regulations in BC

Comments 21 by Rebecca Bollwitt

To this day my most popular Miss604 Poll has been the one regarding a patio smoking ban in Vancouver. Well the Provincial government was pretty busy yesterday hammering out the details of a new smoking regulations that are to be in effect March 31, 2008. The provincial government has released the rules that will govern […]

Vancouver 2010 Olympic Mascot Revealed in Surrey

Comments 40 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Today at 10:30am PT we’ll all find out if our mascot for the 2010 Olympic games will be a bear, a marmot, or another freakin’ orca of some kind. The unveiling will take place in Surrey at Sullivan Heights Secondary… more specifically the adjacent Bell Centre for the Performing Arts. I already blogged about past […]

The Brother Printer Test Drive Begins

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

A little while ago local blogfather and marketing sensei Darren Barefoot approached John and me (along with a handful of other lucky social medialites) to see if we wanted to test drive a Brother printer. It’s no secret that if you want to give us free things in exchange for reviews, blog posts, our thoughts […]

White Stuff From the Sky to Fall on Vancouver

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

With frozen rain and slushie precipitation in the forecast what else would a good Vancouverite do than brace for school closures and abandon their cars at the side of roads when there’s a call for such treacherous conditions? Local news outlets have already composed their “school closures” posts on their websites, and with that first […]