In December a film based on the true story of Luna the orca (aka killer whale) that has been making the rounds at film festivals will be showing at the Ridge in Vancouver. Luna (1999 – 2006) officially named L98 and also known as Tsuux-iit was an orca. After being separated from his mother as […]
While recording an episode of The Crazy Canucks Podcast tonight, my co-host Alanah mentioned she did a Wordle of a Patrick Roy conference call. As this was the first time I had heard of Wordle I looked into it and even made my own based on my current feed. You can input a block of […]
While in the middle of my weekly segment on Talk1410am my computer screen flickered and my Gmail turned blue. Thinking something was amiss, I immediately signed out of my account. Once I logged in again I took notice of a little message at the top of the Gmail window – hello themes!. I know there […]
Last night I gave a talk at Third Tuesday about building you personal brand, which was actually more of a “how to get started, find and audience, keep an audience, and grow from there”. I’d like to thank everyone who came out to the Granville Room (even though it may not have been an ideal […]
A few days ago the makers of pain-reliever Motrin (Johnson & Johnson) launched a commercial campaign that annoyed and outraged mothers around the world. “That couldn’t have been written by a mother,” noted my sister, Jennifer. “The speak about how carrying your baby around is in fashion, but it’s certainly not a passing fad nor […]