Tomorrow will be the one-year anniversary of the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games, an amazing sporting event that was a very sweet ending to largest global event in our city’s history. It all started out with a bang at the opening ceremony. I remember how lively it was – bright colours, talented dancers, paralympians, and […]
Last night we watched in horror as multiple tsunami waves crashed their way over the Northern Japanese coastline following the country’s largest recorded earthquake that hit just offshore. The devastation is still sinking in following aftershocks, fires, and scrambles to connect with loved ones. This was the 7th largest earthquake in recorded history. With the […]
Vancouver will celebrate its 125th anniversary April 6th, 2011 with “Birthday Live” at Jack Poole Plaza downtown. From 2:00pm until 9:30pm the Olympic cauldron will be lit, birthday cake will be sliced, and acts will perform free concerts for the public. Photo credit: Tom Holbrook on Flickr Guests include First Nations representatives, City officials, the […]
Yesterday I was along for the ride as Trevor Linden ran around Vancouver unloading $7,000 in 7 hours for the THRiVEtastic campaign. He was selected by ING Direct to compete against Henry Burris (Calgary), Amber Mac (Toronto), and Tammy Verge (Montreal), by spending money using their new Thrive ‘fee free’ chequing account. Each participant received […]
The following was contributed to by Jodi McIsaac Martens. One of the best things about raising a family in Vancouver is that our mild climate lets us get out and enjoy nature pretty much year-round. And there is no shortage of places to go! With over 150 parks in the City of Vancouver alone […]