Easter is coming up this weekend and whether you celebrate its religious meaning or simply enjoy those irresistible Mini-Eggs, it’s a great time to get together with family and (hopefully) enjoy some sunshine. There are a few events scheduled around Metro Vancouver to help get in the springtime spirit. Photo credit: splorp on Flickr Surrey […]
Trying to remember what you were supposed to get at the grocery store? Waiting for a friend at a restaurant? Having a good laugh in situations when your parents text or when auto-correct goes terribly wrong? On April 22nd, the new Canadian film, Textuality – starting Jason Lewis, Vancouver’s Carly Pope, and Arts Club alumnus […]
Tourism Vancouver has been commissioning some very cool projects lately like Kris Krug’s photo essays (capturing Chinatown and Downtown neighbourhoods). Photo credit: Kris Krug for Tourism Vancouver on Flickr Their latest series is with Sean Horlor (Columnist, Producer, star of Don’t Quit Your Gay Job) creating an online video campaign called “Vancouver in a Day” […]
It’s been 15 years since News1130 hit the airways in Vancouver offering up all-news, all the time (with traffic and weather on the 1’s). They’ve survived some tumultuous times in the local radio economy and have branched out to social media – even hosting their first Tweetup a few months ago that welcomed about a […]
The Smirnoff Canada concert series is presenting Tokyo Police Club at the Commodore April 23rd and one of my readers will be able to attend the sound check and get a pair of tickets to the show. The promotion is through the Smirnoff Canada Box Office, which offers exclusive advance tickets, seats, and unique concert […]