In BC we’re known for our creative runs and races, and there’s nothing quite like the Half Corked Marathon hosted by the Oliver Osoyoos Winery Association. This 18km race through the vineyards of the Oliver Osoyoos Wine Country (“OOWC”) was inspired by the legendary Medoc Marathon in Bordeaux. Participants of the Half Corked Marathon are […]
During March and April I will be featuring a Cherry Blossom Photo of the Day, sourced from the Miss604 Flickr Pool and/or the #Photos604 tag on Instagram. You can barely walk a full block in the city without encountering a photographer capturing this pink blooms — or stopping yourself — so it’s the perfect time […]
This post has been contributed by Robyn Worcester, Biologist and former Conservation Programs Manager with the Stanley Park Ecology Society (“SPES”). I have been following SPES since I moved into the West End a decade ago and I have been a member for three years. I wanted to offer the team an opportunity to share […]
Back in the early days of the Vancouver online media and tech scene, before social media was even a word and “Web 2.0” dominated conversations between open MacBooks covered in stickers at local coffee shops, there were unconferences. These events were open to everyone, they cost nothing, anyone could be a speaker, and ideas flowed […]
The best part about a glass of wine is that it can be enjoyed in almost any setting. On a sunshine soaked patio with friends, at a multi-course pairing dinner, or sitting on the couch while binge watching your favourite series. The latter is the focus of a new campaign partnership between Woodbridge by Robert […]