Every single workday I walk through hoards of tourists all crowded around the steamclock in Gastown. On the 15’s, 30’s and 45’s it lets out a little toot and on the hour it plays its little steamy whistles for about a minute. Now, I’ve unveiled the “true” steamclock in a previous post and I for […]
This should really be called, Liveblogging: Explained or how Miss604 does it – cause I’m sure there are numerous methods, but although I am no expert or professional, over the last year I’ve done a handful of live blogs at events and conferences. One question that always comes up is “how does it work?” so […]
What’s going on? From the wiki: Unlike other iterations of DemoCamp, the Vancouver event covers all industries. Idea people will be presenting innovations on all things ranging from business to charity, high-technology to high-art. The purpose is to encourage a cross-pollination of industries and individuals in hopes that people engaged in unrelated endeavors might provide […]
I’ve done a few live blogs in my time… well maybe about 3 or 4, the most “valuable” being the live blog of Matthew Good‘s living room performance back in August [Miss604]. Seth Godin recently made some valid points about liveblogging as a medium – something he observed at a recent conference. Compare these liveblog […]
Duane Storey wrote a post about friendship etiquette, on which I’ve commented so much I just decided to write my own post and link on back to him. Someone once told me a big part of any successful relationship, be it friendship or something deeper, is about *making* time for that person, not just about […]