The other day I was offered some Bon Jovi tickets for this evening and the Surrey girl inside of me just couldn’t pass them up. From the Bon Jovi website I grabbed my girl Keira and tonight we tossed back two plastic cups of wine and enjoyed a trip down memory lane. Every single person […]
Keira’s recent post about shoes got me thinking about a few things. Sure, I have more pairs of shoes than I can count on my fingers (and toes) but I don’t think I’m obsessive at all. I walk into a store and I know exactly what I want, ie. closed-toe, non-stiletto, non-chunk heel shoes that […]
The other day Buzz asked if I would co-host the Battle of the Sexes portion of the 95 Crave morning show. This week he’s filling in for Nat & Drew and collected some local female friends to come up with the “women’s” questions for the game. The goal is to have the female host ask […]
Last week an article popped up in my news feeds about BC students having one of the highest literacy levels in the world. Today, the Provincial Government reports that Grade 10 students in BC are again, at the head of the pack when it comes to reading, math and science. B.C. students were in the […]
I’ve noticed a lot of incoming links lately from sites that weren’t previously on my radar. What appears to be happening is something similar to “The Z List“. This year, Troy Worman has started a meme to recognize outstanding bloggers. There are no awards, no accolades, simply a “pass it on” mentality surrounded by link […]