Yesterday the Federal Budget was unveiled and it included the news that the Royal Canadian Mint will soon stop producing pennies, saving Canadians 11 million dollars a year. Most of the feedback I saw online was in support of this move but I’m left wondering what I’ll do with the giant bucket of pocket change […]
Walking past the box office of the Spanish Revival style building, I opened the doors to the Patricia Theatre and was greeted with the haunting aroma of buttered popcorn. A poster board propped up in the entranceway spelled out the future of the historic Powell River theatre rather bluntly: Digital or Dark? The Patricia is […]
The jovial A-Maze-Ing Laughter statues in Morten Park by Chinese artist Yue Minjun have brought smiles to the faces of locals and visitors for the last few years. As a part of the Vancouver Biennale public art exhibition, time is running out on these painted bronze figures at English Bay. That is, unless the Park […]
We have to wait a little longer for March this year, with a bonus leap day in February, but it will be well worth it. From events surrounding International Women’s Day to CelticFest Vancouver, there will be plenty to do around town . I will also have a round-up next week listing some of my […]
Tonight in New Westminster, you can join Translink at a workshop to learn about their latest plans to get the bridge replaced by 2018. Photo credit: Clayton Perry Photoworks on Flickr – Submitted to the Miss604 Flickr Pool The two-year consultation process getting underway is shaping up to be a tussle between Surrey and New […]