I remember a time when I could ride the SkyTrain for 75 cents. Mind you, the SkyTrain ended at Scott Road and there was only one line, not three. Fare hikes are an inevitable part of life in a major metropolitan area with the last one around here taking place April 1st, 2010. The Translink […]
The Vancouver Maritime Museum is one of the institutions that got me hooked on museums when I was young thanks to class trips. Feeding my brain, learning about the world outside my own community, and discovering what was once possible to achieve – and what could be accomplished. They have just launched an excellent campaign […]
Twitter chats and town hall meetings are becoming more popular with the inclusion of celebrities and local politicians who open themselves up to answer questions about specific topics online. If you’re a basic Twitter user, you may now know how to participate in these discussions so I thought that I would outline a few key […]
Due to the devastation of Superstorm Sandy, the Canadian Red Cross is accepting donations on behalf of the American Red Cross to assist with recovery and relief efforts in affected areas. One of dozens of boats tossed on the roadway in Rockaway. Photo credit: American Red Cross. A few weeks ago I met Red Cross […]
Last week I flew to Toronto to meet up with the Canadian Red Cross. I have been a member of their Social Media Team for over a year and have signed on with others to assist them in geting the word out about disaster management, news, and alerts through my networks. I met with other […]