Restaurant Discounts for Frontline Workers in Vancouver

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

We salute them every night at 7:00pm during the shift change at St Paul’s (and beyond), the BC Government has finally waived hospital parking fees, and now many restaurants are offering discounts for frontline workers in Vancouver.

It’s really moving to see the restaurant industry, that has been hit so hard itself, give back to its community. Here are some resources for take-out and delivery options that you can share with your friends and loved ones who are courageously fighting COVID-19 on behalf of us all.

Restaurant Discounts for Frontline Workers in Vancouver

Restaurant Discounts for Frontline Workers in Vancouver

The most robust and complete resource is Breaking Bread. It launched a few weeks ago to provide an up-to-date catalogue of restaurant take-out and delivery options (including eateries that had not previously ever offered the service). They have a searchable list of discount offers here »

  • Everbean Cafe + Community (604) 531-3383, Surrey
    • “Giving thanks to the healthcare professionals by keeping them caffeinated and nourished. Purchase a gift card that goes directly to Peace Arch Hospital or Hilltop Medical Clinic. To load a gift card, call in or send an etransfer”
  • Douce Diner (778) 980-2510, North Vancouver
    • 20% discount meal for one
  • Mumbai Masala Restaurant (604) 984-8888, North Vancouver
    • 50% for Frontline workers (first responders, healthcare workers, grocery/retail workers)
  • Shameless Buns (604) 961-0755, Vancouver
    • 20% off (pick up only)
  • Rocky Mountain Flatbread Kitsilano (604) 730-0321, Vancouver
  • Rocky Mountain Flatbread Main (604) 566-9779, Vancouver
    • Free delivery and 25% off all regular priced take out menu items. “We also know that it is difficult for front line workers to pick up so the owners Dominic and Suzanne are personally offering to deliver to Front Line teams and individuals for orders over $100.”
  • Papi’s Oyster Bar (604) 685-7337, Vancouver
    • 20% off pick-up orders for all frontline workers.
  • Nightingale (604) 695-9500, Vancouver
    • 20% off for hospital and hospitality workers.
  • Nat’s New York Pizzeria (604) 737-0707, Vancouver
    • Free slice and beverage (soda) for nurses.
  • Kinara Indian Cuisine (604) 633-8313, Vancouver
    • 30% of to Health Care Workers
    • 30% to Seniors in Downtown Vancouver
  • Heritage Asian Eatery, (604 336-5853, Vancouver
    • 100% of the funds will be used to purchase meals from local participating businesses to feed our frontline workers. Check out more information here.
  • Havana Vancouver (604) 253-9119, Vancouver
    • #StaffMeal Buy a $5 Suspended Stew to be donated to a person in need, including frontline workers.
  • Gurkha Himalayan Kitchen (604) 565-7965, Vancouver
    • One meal free for frontline workers (St Paul’s Hospital), there will be limited number of free food per day and limited menu items.
  • Do Chay (604) 225-8349, Vancouver
    • “We are working with @feedtheheroesvan to offer large orders to be sent to the workers of various healthcare facilities in the greater Vancouver area. Donations are accepted here.”
  • Cibo Trattoria (604) 602-9570, Vancouver
    • 20% off pick-up orders for all frontline workers.
  • Chef Claire’s (604) 875-6400, Vancouver
    • 10% discount for frontline workers.
  • Ancora False Creek (604) 681-1164, Vancouver
    • 20% off pick-up orders for all frontline workers.

Other restaurants not in the Breaking Bread database include:

Restaurant: Bombay Kitchen & Bar,  (604) 336-1111, Vancouver
Offer: Health-care workers can order online for delivery to their medical facility or doctor’s office and will receive 50 percent off at time of payment.

Restaurant: Tractor Foods, Vancouver
Offer: Michelle Porter Vancouver Real Estate has generously donated free lunch or dinner to all frontline workers. Stop the Ash & Broadway location and choose anything on the menu (up to $15 in value) and @porteryvr will take care of your meal. Make sure to bring your ID or badge to claim.

Restaurant: Afghan Kitchen (604) 727-0070, Surrey
Offer: Offering 30% discount on pick-up orders for: Hospital staff, including doctors, nurses, residents, interns, and support staff; First responders, including paramedics, emergency medical technicians, police officers, firefighters, rescuers, and military personnel

Restaurant: Happy Singh Seva Kitchen @ Tandoori Flame (11970 88 Ave, Delta)
Offer: Any frontline workers can receive a free meal from their take-out window.

Restaurant: Fresh Slice Pizza (all locations)
Offer: Free meal (slice, pop, brownie) for all health care workers

Vancouver Persia also has a list here »



As a continued effort to support local businesses, the Chinese Restaurant Awards have co-created the Chopsticks to Vancouver Health Care Heroes #ChopstickstoHeroes campaign, starting April 6, 2020.

30 local Asian restaurants will prepare and donate 50 dinner meals. 100 meals per day over a 15 day period will be sent to health care workers at the Vancouver General Hospital.  A total of 1,500 nutritious meals with vegetarian options will meet the donation requirements and food safety standards outlined by the Vancouver General Hospital. You can contact the organizers if you’d like to sponsor some of these meals.

Bamboo Groove Restaurant
Cherry’s Food House
Chow Fusion Restaurant
Dinesty Dumpling House
Emperor’s Kitchen
Fortune Terrace Chinese Cuisine
Geng Shi Ji
Glorious Bao & Fried Rice
Gram Cafe and Pancakes
Hotpot Palace
Jianghu Taiwanese Pots & Wok Cuisines
Liuyishou Hotpot
Lougheed Wonton Restaurant
M Sushi
M8 Bistro and Bar
Me and Crepe

Memory Corner
New Fishport Seafood Bistro
New Mandarin Seafood Restaurant
Old Beijing Roast Duck
Peninsula (Oakridge) Seafood Restaurant
Shine Valley Lamb Soup
Sip Bowl La Mian
The Dolar Shop
The Fish Man
Tian Shi Fu Restaurant
Uno Beef Noodle
Yang Guo Fu Spicy Soup
Yuan’s Hotpot

We need to support those fighting COVID-19 for us, and we need to help them do their job. Please stay home and help flatten the curve. 

If you know of more participating eateries, please leave a comment below and I’ll add it to the list, thank you!

Virtual Wine Tasting with Okanagan Crush Pad

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I have a private wine club with my sister and a few close friends which usually meets every month in the summer. In March, we have already hosted two weekly meetings on Zoom. Usually our get togethers include everyone bringing the same varietal, from the BC winery of their choice. We then taste, take notes, and post our favourite to our Facebook group. The virtual meetings are far less structured.

This is where Okanagan Crush Pad (“OCP”) could really help my group — and yours. Invite one of their team members to your next online happy hour and turn it into a rather civilized wine tasting event!

Virtual Wine Tasting with Okanagan Crush Pad

Virtual Wine Tasting with Okanagan Crush Pad

Due to recent physical distancing, virtual gatherings over platforms like Skype, Messenger, Instagram, and Zoom have become very popular, including happy hour and friends getting together over wine. But missing is the experience of talking to a wine expert as you taste along with your friends or work colleagues.

While OCP has previously posted video of guided tastings, the makers of Haywire, Narrative and Free Form are now going a step further. Just follow these four steps:

  1. Can’t get together in person? Round up the people you are missing most;
  2. Each person buys a wine tasting pack (2 full bottles and 1 half bottle);
  3. Set a date and time for your online tasting with your friends;
  4. Coordinate the details with OCP Wine brand ambassador Rawan* by emailing her at [email protected]

*An OCP team member will be part of any gathering where four or more wine tasting packs are sold (12 bottles total – 8 full bottles and 4 half bottles). There is no maximum size, but the ideal gathering would be no larger than 12 different logins.

Okanagan Crush Pad Wine Bundle

Wine Tasting Packs from OCP

Pack 1 ($70.70)
1 x 375ml Haywire Baby Bub 2018
1 x 750 ml Free Form Cabernet Franc 2017
1 x 750 ml Narrative Viognier 2018
Order here »

Pack 2 ($87.30)
1 x 375ml Narrative Baby XC Method 2019
1 x 750 ml Free Form Vin Gris 2018
1 x 750 ml Haywire Pinot Noir 2018
Order here »

Crack open a baby sparkling wine while you all sign-on, and toast each other with a cheers! A team member from the winery will join you for the tasting. They will tell you about the wines, answer any questions, and then they can leave the online party and you can carry on with your friends.

Follow Okanagan Crush Pad on Facebook for more info.

Science World’s Online Resources for at Home Activities

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What do a bird feeder, circuit builders, cotton ball catapult, and soap powered boats have in common? These are just some of the things you can build with Science World’s online resources for at home activities!

Science World's Online Resources for at Home Activities (1)

Science World’s Online Resources for at Home Activities

There is a robust collection of tools available online here. Search by grade level, preschool to grade 12, select the topic and the type of activity, be it make-and-take, an experiment, an illusion, a game or demonstration.

Each activity includes photos, instructions, and the estimated time it will take to complete. Here’s one of my favourites for creating indoor rainbows:

Example: Indoor Rainbows

Kids can experiment with white light to make their own rainbows
Materials Needed:
Small glass vessel (vase, cup or bowl), flashlight, mirror, water
What To Do:

  1. Place a mirror in the glass vessel, tilted slightly upward.
  2. Fill the glass vessel with water.
  3. Shine the white light from the flashlight through the glass at the mirror and point out the rainbow. (You may need to darken the room; rainbows should appear on the walls.)

Indoor rainbow! The online guides include questions, helpful images and figures, as well as add-ons to expand your experiments (like polarizing filters for your rainbow).

Follow Science World on Facebook for more resources and updates in the coming weeks.

Related: Virtual Museum Tours Around Vancouver, Live Stream Curators Talks from the Vancouver Art Gallery

Girl Guide Cookies at IGA and Fresh St Market

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Following the lead of Canadian Tire and London Drugs, you can now get Girl Guide Cookies at IGA and Fresh St Market, who scooped up another 12,000 boxes!

Girl Guide Cookies at IGA and Fresh St Market

Girl Guides IGA Fresh St Market

Beginning today, Girl Guide cookies will be available at all IGA and Fresh St. Market locations across British Columbia. All proceeds will benefit Girl Guides of Canada’s ongoing programs.

“Since 1927, Girl Guides have been going door-to-door selling cookies to support our programs,” said Diamond Isinger, provincial commissioner for BC, Girl Guides of Canada. “With physical distancing, we know this is not an option at this time and we need to get creative. We are grateful to community-minded organizations like IGA and Fresh St. Market, who have come forward to offer significant logistical support to get our cookies into the homes of British Columbians, and we couldn’t be more grateful.”

Like many organizations, Girl Guides of Canada has had to find alternative ways to meet fundraising goals essential to the organization. IGA and Fresh St Market are now working together with Girl Guides of Canada to retrieve the thousands of boxes of cookies, and in the safest way possible, make these available to customers so they can enjoy the yummy cookies while supporting Girl Guides to continue offering their in-person educational and leadership programs for girls when pandemic protocols lift.

All sales of the cookies will go directly to Girl Guides of Canada; IGA and Fresh St. Market are simply providing a safe distribution network.

Read all posts in my COVID-19 series »

Vancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere: Robert in Bali

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I have reached out to some of my friends around the globe who are originally from the “604” area to see how they’re doing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is the seventh in the Vancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere series:

Vancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere: Robert in Bali

Vancouverites in IVancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere_ Robert in BaliaVancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere_ Robert in Bali

Name: Robert Scales (Website, Instagram)
Hometown: Born in Montreal, moved to Vancouver (Kerrisdale) in my 20s.
Current City: Nusa Ceningan, Bali, Indonesia

What is your city like right now?

The local government requested that all tourism related businesses stop operating on March 20th until further notice. We do not have a “lockdown” policy in place yet, however the regency has limited/restricted the movement between the islands and people are requested to stay at home, apply social distancing, to not travel between villages, wash hands, and report any illness.

We live on Nusa Ceningan, a very small island located about 30kms from the south east coast of Bali. Our primary economy is tourism. At the moment, there are very few non-local people on the Nusa islands (Nusa Ceningan, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Penida.) Most of the non-local people remaining are expats who own businesses here or stranded travellers who cannot return home due to travel restrictions etc.

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