Rainy Day People

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Rainy day in Vancouver, go figure. Annual average rainfall 1117.2 mm – so they say, but I don’t think it’s a mm past 1000. Jen and I love to walk in the rain – though I think she could stay out there all night and day, I prefer a long walk in the forest or even around the neighbourhood, then coming in to warm up with some hot chocolate. I could listen to the rain fall all night, I think it’s one of the most soothing sounds. That – and trains. For some reason I guess I’ve lived near trains my whole life. Even in Boston (Cambridge) I was close enough to the Charles and across it was a big train yard off Western Ave (I think).

About a week ago when Todd had his birthday I told him to make sure he put a candle in everything he ate that day e.g. the candle in the stack of pancakes courtesy of my mom on the morning of my birthday. But ya know sometimes the candle would get a lil melty and you’d have wax on your pancakes. He helped me come up with the idea of a BUTTER candle – it would just melt right in there – how COOL is THAT?

Oh but we didn’t stop there…ice cream candles for cakes, gravy candles for turkey dinners….I don’t think I would be exaggerating if I said that our brainstorms were nothing short of genius.