turkey day no work

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I learned all about American history from watching Alvin and the Chipmunks [wiki]. Ya know the one where Theodore is studying for his exam and his brothers help him out by telling stories and re-enacting history?Yeah… Canadian Thanksgiving doesn’t involve pilgrims but it does involve turkey. Lots o’ turkey. This is John’s second Thanksgiving (Canadian style) so he decided to do a little write up about its history over on his site.

We’re still going to ‘celebrate’ American Thanksgiving at the end of November because really, any excuse for cooking a nice big meal and having some wine with my man is fine by me.Yesterday we had some adventures (as I wrote in my Metblogs post) then we went down to the Peace Arch [wiki]. It’s one of many Canadian/US Border crossings in the area but it’s right on the water. Since the park is officially a no-man’s land/owned by BOTH countries, John was able to walk over to the United States for the first time since he left it over a year ago now.

After that we headed for a family dinner and stuffed ourselves silly (especially with the blueberry pie that followed). Tonight we’re heading out to Surrey to be with my mom’s side of the family. With 5 kids under 6 years old and 12 adults, it should be an interesting night.

I’ve done a Metblogs post, one here, Laura covered the Amazing Race post, and the podcasts (RadioZoom & TheCrazyCanucks) are coming this week so I think this time spent checking in on my computer and online business has been well spent. Have a great holiday everyone, see you back at work tomorrow (boo!)