is it always raining today

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‘I remember when the “new” 10 dollar bill came out with the poem printed on it. Everyone (including myself) thought it had a typo: “In Flanders Field the poppies grow between the crosses row on row”. Although on the bill it says blow. What an outrage. Turns out – “we” were all wrong and the note was right. Blow. Go figure.’

Recently, a post on a local website got John and I talking. The author tells of white poppies that she’s worn on Remembrance day because she doesn’t want to ‘support war’. Continue reading this post ⟩⟩

let it

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

mmm snowI have a couple fun links on my sidebar under “Vancouver Info” where you can find some webcams located around the Lower Mainland. (Also noted on my recent metblogs post). One that got some of my co-workers very excited this afternoon was a view of Cypress Mountain. Because there was snow. Yes, snow.

I’ve been snowboarding for 12 years now. Ever since I tried skiing for the first time in the French Alps (Chamonix) I knew that snowboarding was where it’s at.

I learned to board at Mount Seymour with my best pal Anne. No lessons, just two teenage girls with boards carving up the slopes. Since then I’ve been to Seymour many times, couple season passes, Cypress, and Whistler, but I’ve still never hit Grouse. Is it worth the trip? (Yep, still haven’t been since I wrote this post)

We didn’t attempt any extreme sports last year or at all really, since John still doesn’t have BC Medical. As long as nothing breaks and that trusty old snowmobile doesn’t have to rescue him from anywhere (the bills would be horrible… oh yeah and it would suck if he hurt himself too :p). I’ve been able to get him on my benefits for work so maybe he’d let me give him a lesson…

RadioZoom Episode #118 – Interview With Jim from Sparta

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The audio from our interview with Jim Ward of Sparta [miss604] has now been posted on RadioZoom [Episode 118]. It all starts off talking about rain and sushi. Good times in Vancouver, eh?

Another adventure with the podcasting project, RadioZoom gets the opportunity to hang out with Jim Ward, front man for the band Sparta, during their one night visit on their current tour. Richards on Richards was the venue for this evening, and both Rebecca and I had a really great time.

We discuss a variety of topics, ranging from what life on the road is like, the making of the latest album, Jim’s prior experiences with Vancouver, a little bit of politics, and we discover a little more of what life is like in Jim’s hometown of El Paso, Texas. (Note: explicit language)

It was an amazing opportunity for the interview, and the performance that night was nothing short of being absolutely stellar. We take a moment back in the studio to reflect on the overall experience and review what we saw on stage that night.

59:48 minutes

isn't nursey stupid

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

eih“It’s my busy time of year”. Very very very busy. Everyone’s got something to say, something to report and a company to take over and it’s our job to make sure people know about it. It doesn’t matter how many fancy programs our IT department concocts, it doesn’t make anything easier. I think I need to go to the optometrist and get me some glasses or something. People in the office like the lights out because it’s “easier on the eyes” but I dunno what kinda night vision they must have, because it’s more painful on mine.

It’s 7:30pm and I’m just now catching up on my news and blog feeds for the day while the Canucks take on the Ducks. I think it’s fantastic to see the Canucks under local ownership again [mbv]. We discussed it a little on the podcast [thecrazycanucks] and everyone’s pretty happy about it. No more fear of a big American swooping in and moving the team to Iowa.

Gonna crack a beer and ride out the week. I’ve been battling a cold now for about a week, and I think the change of season is getting to John as well. No crazy interviewing rock stars this weekend, nothing fancy at all, in fact I’m even working the stat on Monday. Maybe my lovely sister [jenny]will take me away to America this weekend for food and shopping times. Maybe Alex Burrows wants to come with? :-O

The Crazy Canucks – Episode 6

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We’re all hopped up with the launch of the shiney new this week, and our listing in the Fan Forum > Links section []. With a late recording time (due to my work schedule), technical issues and not enough beer to go around, we get this one off the ground thanks to the patience of my co-hosts (Alanah, JJ and Dave) and the handy work of our producer, John.

The Crazy CanucksThis episode [episode 6] had a lot of bumps to work through before it was published, and this might be a good comparison to what the Canucks are going through right now. Unlike the Canucks, everyone was here for this one. That couldn’t stop a few problems from creeping up, but, much like the Canucks, we worked our way towards a stellar finish.

Record as of this podcast: 8-7-1 (2nd in the Northwest Division)

There were a variety things to cover, including the two losses against Minnesota and Colorado, a hard fought win in Dallas, injuries and changes to the defence, and we can’t seem to keep away from the goalie debate. There’s a lot here, so listen in to check out the latest brouhaha that The Crazy Canucks has to offer.

Run time 36:34
The Crazy Canucks Podcast, Episode 6