The Dane Cook Car Alarm

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

John wrote a post recently about a car alarm that’s been going off in our neighbourhood sporadically for a couple of days [audihertz]. Fly Rice (student in Hawaii, Matt Good fan, and daughter of one of our most loyal podcast listeners) left a comment about the Dane Cook car alarm (below), so of course I had to look it up on You Tube.

If you’ve heard of Dane Cook [wiki] and seen him in action, you’ve probably laughed and done the “it’s funny cause it’s true” head bob and body shaking giggle. Either that or thought he was totally lame, trying to make jokes out of everything and laughing far too often at himself. Whatever your poison, he’s saturated the market and the parodies of him are rather amusing as well.

The following video’s animation is reminiscent of Group X but the audio is from one of Cook’s sketches. Of course now I’m going to annoy everyone (maybe even more so than they would be by actually experiencing the 3-day-long neighbourhood car alarm) because when you click play 1) you might find the animation and Dane Cook audio to be horrible and offensive 2) you might like Dane Cook but you now have the “lyrics” to the car alarm stuck in your head for 46 minutes.

(NSFW – this means “Not Safe For Work”, Mom)

Vancouver Blogger Meetup

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This was actually my very first Vancouver Blogger Meetup. I’ve been to many social gatherings before, including podcast meetups and unconferences, but on a whim yesterday John and I decided to head to the official group‘s get together at The Whip on 6th and Main.

Vancouver Blogger Meetup I have to say, it all has to do with David Drucker. Since we met him at the podcast meetup in February 2006, he’s been our regular “familiar face we spot at social things and hang out with”. He’s a pretty great guy and has a lot in common with John and I.

The location was really great, and there was an abundance of yam fries and beers no one could pronounce. I think the best part of the evening was that there were bloggers there I hadn’t met before, like Tanya aka Net Chick. She’s pretty funny and knows her stuff – as is evident on her blog. I also got to see Jan and Pete again, we met at Northern Voice and all participated in Tod‘s late-night CBC tour.

Vancouver Blogger MeetupTopics covered included Twitter, commenting and anonymous or dual online personalities. It was great to just head out to a new place (that isn’t 3 steps from our front door) on a weeknight just to chill with some like-minded people. For more info about the group or to join and take part next month, visit the Meetup site.

The attendees were: Pete Quily, MJ, David Drucker, NetChick (Tanya), Jan Karlsbjerg, Nancy, Jonathon, John and I.

Would You Like Fries With That?

Comments 4 by Jennifer Miles

Jenny in the UK - Scary Statue in Wales After having traveled to the UK every few months in the last year and a half I am pretty used to the slight differences in everyday life. Looking right before crossing the street, ordering your food at the bar, trousers are pants/pants are underpants (this can make for some interesting conversations) and so on.

I normally travel alone as well, waiting at airports and bus depots for countless hours I end up mainly just people watching. This past trip my friend Tanya decided to join me and make her first trip across the pond (mandatory lame ‘pond’ reference). People in shops do not ask you how you are doing or if they can help you find something. At first, as friendly Canadians it is hard to get used to, I used to think they were being rude. Now I love not being bothered while I shop. We were also quick to notice that every single meal you will get will include ‘chips’, this includes the Mexican food and everything will really cost you an arm and a leg and possibly an eyeball.

Jenny in the UK - Stonehenge We spent a little time in Wales and the rest of the time in England. I am fortunate enough to have made some really good friends who invited us to stay with them and showed us around. Anytime after a few drinks we could not stop ourselves from mimicking their accents, luckily they thought it was cute, rather than annoying.

There is nothing better than living like a local when you are abroad. We adopted ourselves a little stuffed sheep in quaint town of Bourton-on-the-water and decided that he will forever be our travel companion. We wanted to visit some real sheep but our friend Craig insisted he would not go around asking anyone where he could find some. Apparently ‘sheep worrying’ is a crime anyway. We didn’t want to worry them we just wanted to take their photos!

Waihe'e Ridge Trail MauiA guest post by

Guest contributor Jennifer Miles is a mother who loves being active with her family of seven. From camping, baseball, swimming, and day trips, she's a power-mom with a passion for BC living.

sis604, travel
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No Tyee Love for Us

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

On December 7th, 2005 I wrote to the editor of The Tyee, wanting to add a couple blogs to their new blogroll. Looking back at the email, I sent them my url, John’s and also Dave O‘s. (Dave was one of the first blogger/podcasters that got in touch with John when he first moved up here and they’ve been friends ever since… aww).
The Tyee

Well, 6 months passed and we still hadn’t been added, so I wrote another email. This time I kindly gave them my url again, John’s url and since they seemed to be linking to podcasts, I sent them the link for RadioZoom. I received a nice reply, thanking me for emailing again. It said that they update every month so we’ll be included next time, which sounded great.

It’s been quite a while since December of 2005, and I was just wondering – why are we still not listed on The Tyee’s blog roll? John and I have been podcasting in this town since October of 2005 (and now have another Vancouver podcast) and my little blog’s been around 3 years now – not to mention when you Google “Vancouver Blog” this here site is in the top 5. But no matter what our “credentials” my little emails just seem to have been forgotten.

I’m tempted to send another quick email (also including Gus Greeper‘s blog because I noticed she’s not on there either), but I’ll just write a post about it, because well… I am a blogger. I have nothing against The Tyee, it’s a great source of news, they have informative columns and they take a friendly, independent approach to new media issues. I was just wondering… are we being snubbed?

Update: Got a nice note from the editor, I’ll resubmit our info (*crosses fingers*)

To be Seven Again

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Today was my niece’s 7th birthday. She’s the beautiful, brilliant daughter of my sister, Jenny – who also writes for this blog. Lexi and I discovered a few things this afternoon that I would like to share.

First off, she and the other kids loved Photobooth. It was definitely a challenge on my part to keep my lovely, pristinely white Macbook away from 8 sticky, cakey, childhood paws but I was successful. The kids LOVED the little distortion options and had the best time making faces with “mirror” images.


Second, Webkinz are a little strange. They’re plush toys you can get at the store, and much like the Cabbage Patch Kid fad, you can “adopt” your new friend. With Webkinz, you get a secret code, which you enter on the website and continue a “relationship” with your new friend online through various games and tasks. Pound Puppies meets Tamagotchi. Kids seem to love them, and maybe she will too, but the whole explanation of the concept took way too much time on party day.

Lastly, the sparkle lip gloss that comes with a Barbie cosmetic kit takes likes absolute crap and shouldn’t even be used to strip paint off the side of your house let alone makeup a 7 year old… and her aunt.