You are the person of the year, according to Time Magazine. Actually, so am I and everyone on my blogroll and everyone on their blogroll.
…look at 2006 through a different lens and you’ll see another story, one that isn’t about conflict or great men. It’s a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It’s about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people’s network YouTube and the online metropolis MySpace. It’s about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes [TimeMagazine]

Here’s to the people who make content happen, those who create content and even those lovely trolls that leave comments occasionally to tell us our content sucks.
Web 2.0 harnesses the stupidity of crowds as well as its wisdom. Some of the comments on YouTube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone, never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred [TimeMagazine]
Is this a cop out? Were we expecting someone else? Pfft, I wasn’t expecting us. It’s not like I usually pay attention to Time Magazine’s person of the year… maybe we’ll all be on Oprah now. Continue reading this post 〉〉
The appeal of the heinously overpriced Rockefeller Centre Ice Rink [wiki] is not just to those who like to ice skate. It’s the experience and just being able to say you did it, like all those people you see in the movies falling in love amidst the twinkle of falling snowflakes. Little do some know, Vancouver used to have it’s own outdoor ice rink in the heart of downtown, just under Robson Street [wiki].

In 1979, Arthur Erickson [wiki] designed the city’s new courthouse and Robson Square [UBC], which would soon become home to Vancouver’s only outdoor ice rink (if you don’t count the one atop Grouse Mountain). It became a seasonal staple for tourists and locals alike. Open 10:00 am to 10:00 pm (minus skate rental facilities) Vancouverites could get a little taste of the Canadian winter-time activity, even in the rain. Despite its popularity, the rink flirted with closure for years.
[Coun. Tim] Stevenson said as an NDP MLA, he fought successfully to keep the rink open when the former NDP government decided to close it in 1999…
“The NDP had planned to do what the Liberals have done and chop it, but I managed to get cabinet to change its mind. It really is a very important rink-there are no other outdoor rinks and it is right in the heart of the city,” Stevenson said. “After we saved it, I started going there to check it out and it was well used by a variety of people and it was good for the businesses around there.” [VancouverCourier]
The rink finally closed indefinitely in 2004 due to budget constraints and it doesn’t look like it will be re-opening any time soon.
Kathleen Elliot, spokeswoman for B.C. Buildings Corporation, says besides the $50,000 cost to ice and operate the rink for three months, reopening the rink would require spending $250,000 to repipe the 21-year-old facility. She said the repiping is needed because the underground pipes are directly above the computer labs in UBC’s section of Robson Square. [VancouverCourier]
There is talk, however, that the rink could be a part of Olympic celebrations and brining the spirit of the games into the downtown core for 2010. This has not yet been officially proposed or announced but the idea has been floating around.

Until then, the space will be used for tango and square dancing [dancesportbc] on hot summer evenings and as a midday destination for those out on their lunch breaks.
It’s time to bring back the ice rink, especially since Vancouver’s started to abolish its “no fun city” reputation. Of course there are many more pressing issues that could use the government’s attention but if there are any funds allocated to recreation, tourism and getting people downtown to do something besides shop (for over-priced fuzzy boots or jewelery that comes in a neat little blue box…) well … this is one thing I’d support.
Update: I followed up on Metroblogging, the rink should be open by Winter 2008.
Update: Giant wooden umbrella to cover Robson Square? [The Vancouver Sun]
Update, November 2009: GE Ice Plaza at Robson Square is now open!
It was fun having Dave over last night for Episode 11. It changed things up a little and certainly added to the discussions and we’re all super excited about Alanah’s news – that was officially announced this week (Update: Her new blog is now linked off my sidebar, Canucks and Beyond)
Dave joins John and Rebecca in “the studio†while we have Alanah and J.J. on the line for this slightly longer edition of the podcast. We tackle the latest news regarding the end of Alanah’s blog, Vancouver Canucks Op Ed, and look ahead to what we can expect from her new role with Kukla’s Korner. You can read her first feature article on her new home, “Bringing Hockey to the People“. So yes, the hockey blogging will continue.
That also sparks a brief debate over blogger and podcaster fans of the NHL in general, and their role in covering their favorite hockey teams in this age of new media. Whoa… deep.
Canucks! Oh yes, we talk Canucks as well. Carolina, Calgary, and Phoenix are the latest foes to face, so we do our best to cover our likes and dislikes over the games. The way things have been going, we have all been surprised with who we’ve been liking on the ice. We also get a little bit of a Vote for Rory update, tackle goalie mask designs, and toss around various thoughts about who’s hot and who we’d like to see contribute some more.
Run Time 38:59
It’s about time – Episode #121 of RadioZoom is now available for your listening pleasure. That’s right, one hundred and twenty-one episodes in, John and I sit down in the “studio” with mics in hand.
Coming back after being away for nearly two weeks, Rebecca and I sit down in the studio to get caught up on our podcasting duties. Illnesses and business aside, we’re back with a variety of topics while sitting down to record without any plan. Christmas is upon us, and we’re getting a gift from Aberdeen City, which is awesome. There is also some discussion of Christmas shopping and what it takes to send presents back to the U.S.
We’ve received some great feedback from listeners about some of the interviews we’ve been doing. Unfortunately, our interview with Wintersleep did not happen, but maybe next time. We do take some time to thank those who have submitted feedback about the podcasts we’ve been putting out there and comment about our music related interviews in general. Rebecca also got a great chance to interview a member of The Could Room and talks about the very cool opportunity.
Also check out this month’s edition of Vancouver Trivia to see how well John knows the city. [RadioZoom Episode #121]
Run time 52:32 – Click here for Mp3 & for show notes, check out the site.
Since we’re spending the afternoon in Surrey I thought I would do a little more than list links to various charitable organizations in Vancouver.
The Surrey Food Bank serves over 13,000 people a month, many of them children, and it is in dire need of food and donations. You can donate in person between 8:00am and 4:00pm, at 10732-135th Street, about a block East of Gateway Skytrain station [GoogleMap]. I believe, during the holidays, hours are currently extended to 5:00pm. You can call (604) 581-5443 for more info as well. To make things super easy, you can click on the image to the right to donate right now, online.
John and I don’t listen to much local radio, except maybe in the mornings while getting ready to work. But while browsing the Surrey Food Bank site I discovered that Z95.3 will be broadcasting this week from Safeway @ 7450, 120th Street (aka Scott Road). This is on the Surrey side (North side) of 72nd. They’ll be there from 6:00am to 11:00pm as a part of Nat & Drew’s Food Bank Fill Up. Since it’s a radio station event, I’m sure you can meet your fave on-air personalities and have the chance to win a bunch of nifty prizes as well. It is of course, all for a great cause.
Two other locations for the event include, Burnaby @ 4440 Hastings Street (Hastings St. & Willingdon Ave) and Vancouver @ 990 West 25th King Edward (King Edward & Oak St) befitting the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society.

Being back home in the neighbourhood I grew up in, I often wish I could give a little more back to it or at least help raise awareness about local causes that need support as well.
After I completed this post, I found out that the Surrey Christmas Bureau had been broken into. Computers were stolen containing mailing lists and information, and damage was done to the premises. The Christmas bureau sponsors the Adopt-A-Family program so this is obviously a major set back. To reach the Surrey Christmas Bureau, call (604) 581-9623, or visit the site to donate.