Scenes From An American Highway Rest Stop

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I wish. I hadn’t heard this Phil Ayoub song since I played it on the Six Song Donut Spectacular way back in October [RZ#115]. Ever since John played it again the other morning it’s been stuck in my head and I think I’ll probably lobby to have it included in our next podcast.

After being couped up indoors all day yesterday, we took a leisurely stroll down to English Bay. We’d already ventured into the park last week and since more damage has taken place (and more snow has fallen) we decided against wandering past the “Do Not Enter” signs this week.

We walked around the West End, staring up at cute little apartment buildings, talking about their unique features and what would attract us to them if we ever decided to move.

Everyone and their dog was out today to enjoy the sunshine and sub-zero temperatures. I mean that. Lots of pups running around in the snow and even bounding into the Pacific to retrieve a ball. I seriously didn’t know that snack dogs could swim like that, let alone have the guts to hop into the ocean with chilled waves crashing all around them.

John captured some scenes with the trusty camera phone, and he’s posted the results [audihertz]. Who says you need to travel to hot tropical destinations to have a good vacation? My stay-cation is working out just fine.

The Crazy Canucks – Episode #15

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Episode #15 of the podcast is up and so are our spirits. I really like JJ’s post about how good “7” feels.

Yes, we’re on a total high having hit a 7-game win streak this past week. All parties are present to discuss the most recent games, winning in OT and by shut out. Rory’s out of the All Star running, Luongo’s integrity and stamina will last until the summer and it sure is fun beating the pants off another Alberta team.

Record as of this episode: 24-18-1
Northwest Division: 1st
Western Conference: 3rd

On top of the world, we’re looking at tomorrow’s game versus a division rival, and Saturday’s contribution to Hockey Day in Canada.

Free Cause it’s Your Birthday

Comments 24 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Birthday with the Family While sitting at Fogg n Suds Sunday night watching the Canucks cruise into a 7 game win streak [chb], I noticed that they have a birthday special. Being a couple that tends to spend little money, and just to milk the fact that it’s my birthday, I thought I would check into the kinds of deals you can find in this town on your special day – mine being January 9th.

It used to be that Kelly O’Brien’s was the place to go on your birthday since you got a free meal. Actually, many more places used to have the “free” meal policy but it seems nowadays it’s mostly just “any entree up to $____”. So just what can I get in Vancouver for the next 24 hours?

Fogg n Suds – Bring 3 friends and your meal/dessert are on the house (up to $20).

Free: Dessert: Milestones, Odouls, Sammy J Peppers, White Spot, TGIFriday’s, Red Robin (warning, singing may be involved)

Red Robin – Coupons, if you sign up for their email spam, and dessert.

Kelly O’Briens – Free entree (not sure the “up to” amount)

The Keg – Dessert and then they will sing to you as well.

Any others? For now, I’ve got a breakfast scheduled, made by my husband. I hope he doesn’t sing.

Update: TGI Friday’s and Denny’s both give free meals on your birthday (unsure of limit)

Boston Pizza, Swiss Chalet, and Las Margaritas – Free dessert

Mondo’s Gelato – Free scoop

Blockbuster Rewards – Free rental

Rogers Video – Free rental

Thanks Ghosty!

Update: SOME Blenz locations also offer a free beverage on your birthday. Ask before you order.

UPDATE Please note this post was composed January 8th, 2007. This post does not guarantee that there are in fact birthday specials at any of the establishments above. I would recommend you call ahead to check if the restaurant does offer a birthday special.

Home Companion

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What I have done with my first week of vacation: Not too much. But ya know, that’s okay. I realized I hadn’t had ANY vacation time this year. I would work extra shifts to get days off in lieu and I only took 2 days off even after I got married. No wonder I’ve been stressed out and wanting to throttle everyone in the office.

Michelle and Me Yesterday Michelle took me out for dim sum at Kirin. She’s my superstar friend I’ve known since kindergarten. We used to run our high school and plot to take over the world and when I was in Boston, she was in London working for the BBC World Service. She’s been staying downtown this week so we met up and had a little catch-up time. She’ll be in a play on the 19th so we’re going to go see it, an updated version of Moliere‘s The Doctor in Spite of Himself. Just thinking about some of Michelle’s accomplishments (and being a little on the geeky side myself) I’m wondering why she doesn’t have a website. Maybe we should make her one.

Aside from that, did a couple podcasts last week and lots of blogging, including my open letter to a credit union, which sparked some great comments. Another open letter I’ve read recently is from Don to Radio:

Dear Radio,

Stop sucking.



I honestly mean that. I want to love radio. I want to tune in and listen. But if the best I can say about scanning through the dial over and over again while driving through a total of five states was that I caught the back end of an AC/DC song then radio is doing something wrong. There’s been a critical flaw in the radio business’s philosophy. They think people are turning away from traditional radio for other outlets like satellite and podcasts. That’s wrong. Radio is driving people away from traditional radio and towards other outlets. I’m going to try to make my show not do that [Blankbooks]

We’ve watched a couple movies recently as well, worth mentioning are Little Miss Sunshine and Prairie Home Companion.

Little Miss Sunshine is just so sweet and twisted at the same time, we really enjoyed it. Prairie Home Companion was something John wanted me to see. He remembers listening to the radio program when he was little, and I got a taste of how great it must have been. Although, I’m sure I didn’t get all the little inside jokes, it was still enjoyable – mostly because of the nostalgia factor.

Aside from such musings, I’ve just been enjoying the non-work time. This coming week I’ll celebrate a birthday and spend time with those closest to me… you know… because even though I haven’t heard of any concrete plans so far that must mean they’re all planning a big huge party in secret, right?… guys?…

The Crazy Canucks – Episode #14

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All of us on the line for a FIRST in Crazy Canucks history… we only had WINS to talk about. Freakin’ sweet.

Episode 14 We all gather around for this episode, but Alanah has technical problems on her end that causes her to dip out early from the fun. You’ll have to ask her the full story, but let’s just call it a conspiracy by her furry friends of the four-legged kind.

Record as of this episode: 22-18-1
Northwest Division: 1st
Western Conference: 3rd

On a five game win streak right now, there is so much to rant and rave about. Edmonton, Calgary, and Dallas have all been our victims since the last recording. Linden’s hot, Naslund’s still struggling, and Burrows finally got that first (official) goal of the season. The rest of the team seems to be waking up, and fans are starting to love the Luongo. We also make some all-star predictions, dissect the mystery of the Northwest Division, and talk a little bit about the World Jr.’s.

We’re attempting to make it a six game win streak tonight, and I’ve had a bit to drink – I totally forgot to post this earlier and I’m making strange shout outs to the Canucks organization. Oh dear, don’t tell Alanah