Stanley Park is Open… Right

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Stanley Park is

Update: Video Podcast where we meander through the Park… where we can.

The big news for Vancouver today is that our beloved Stanley Park has re-opened [cbc] since being ravaged by a storm with hurricane-force winds a couple of weeks ago [audihertz].

John and I got out of the house on this sunny afternoon to check out just how much of the park has re-opened. As we discovered, the main road, Stanley Park Drive, is open and some of the touristy places are now accessible. But for anyone else the place is still dangerous. Parts of the seawall are missing, there are rushing streams everywhere you look, mostly due to the recent heavy rainfall, and wounded trees are laying all over the place.

I’ve added a couple pictures to my Flickr tag: storm and we decided to take a video with my camera phone when we ventured onto some of the forbidden paths this afternoon. It will be up later on RadioZoom, another addition to our recent holiday vlogging series [RadioZoom – Video Podcasts].

Placeblogger is on the scene

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If you’ve ever Googled aimlessly in search of a local blog, be it for Vancouver or Nairobi, there is now a one-stop-shop available over at Placeblogger.

A placeblog is an act of sustained attention to a particular place over time.
It can be done by one person, a defined group of people, or in a way that’s open to community contribution.
It’s not a newspaper, though it may contain random acts of journalism.
It’s about the lived experience of a place [placeblogger]

The recently launched, locally produced [Bryght] Placeblogger allows you to add and browse blogs from all over the world, which are all sorted by country, province/state and city. If you’d like to find a blog about kitties in Calgary, you’ll probably have some luck searching by content as well.

Placeblogs spring from a fiercely non-generic America that’s not about big-box retailers or the type of polarizing discussion about politics, culture, and the economy that’s the product of journalism that happens at the 30,000 foot level. Often, they are a delightful and vivid look at cities, towns, and neighborhoods from an insider’s point of view [placeblogger]

Hop on over to view the growing BC and Vancouver blog directory and read a little more about the global, yet local site. is added but I’m not everything in my general feed is “Vancouver” enough. Also, I have my Flickr photos in my feed so um, not sure what some people searching for blogs about Vancouver Life will think of my NKOTB.

Welcome to 2007

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Missus B says:
did you have a good time last night?
Jenny says:
Jenny says:
did you ?
Missus B says:
yes, yes i did.
Jenny says:
Jenny says:
it was a good crowd
New Years
Missus B says:
i like you.
Jenny says:
Missus B says:
who are you, Patrick Swayze?
Jenny says:
wanna make some pottery?
Missus B says:
wanna cut your hair and wear overalls?
Jenny says:
ha ha

Jenny says:
im going back to sleep
Missus B says:
okay bye
Jenny says:

The Crazy Canucks – Episode #13

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Everyone was feeling a little kooky, a couple plans feel through and we were without Dave. Nevertheless, we managed to chat, banter and ramble on about our beloved Canucks in this lucky Episode number 13.

The Crazy CanucksDave is a healthy scratch for this episode, but there has been so much that has happened since the last episode that it was hard to keep tabs on how long this episode turned out. There were some issues during the recording, but the audio was salvageable. That’s not to say that it might sound strange, but we will keep this in mind for the next episode to take changes into consideration.

Record as of this episode: 19-18-1
Northwest Division: 1st
Western Conference: 3rd

Four games to talk about, three teams played since the last episode: Boston, Columbus, and Calgary. The first two games were painful for Canucks fans, but the home and home series against the Flames was nothing short of pure delight. J.J gives us the inside scoop of his involvement with the CBC story on the whole Vote for Rory campaign, and Alanah seems to be getting a tattoo after losing a bet on Luongo’s save stats in the first half of the season.

Links you might be interested in:

* J.J.’s interview with the CBC on YouTube

This is the last episode of 2006, so have a safe and happy new year! We’ll see you next year, and expect more to come from The Crazy Canucks.

Episode 13 – Run time 46:00 mins.

Five Things You Don't Know About Miss 604

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One thing I didn’t know was that I was tagged over at Chillaxin last week. Eee! Now I don’t feel so left out, since John was tagged a little while ago by Jeremy Latham.

Around the interweb bloggers are writing five things most people wouldn’t know about them, then they turn around and “tag” 5 people, and so the madness continues. Finding 5 things to write about is proving to be more of a challenge than anticipated but let’s give’r a whirl, short n’ sweet style.

Property of mcsimpson on Flickr
Photo credit: mcsimpson on Flickr

1. I was born and raised in Surrey, BC. Yes, it says that in my About page but who looks at that anyway? I went to West Whalley High School, was female athlete of the year from 1995-1997, captained the rugby team, was a big nerd, and it was fantastic.

2. I hate pulp and baby corn. They both make me gag.

Since that one was short I’ll toss this in there too, I’m left-handed only for writing, everything else is right.

3. I can recite almost every episode of Red Dwarf, from seasons 1 to 7. I can also recite Dylan Thomas’ A Child’s Christmas in Wales… John found this out a couple of days ago and I’m sure he can just about do the same now.

4. When I was little I made a bet with my sister that I would become a doctor by the time I was 25.

5. I haven’t voted for Rory.

Time to tag 5 more people. I don’t know who to link to now, the Z-list this morning was pretty hefty so I’ll just toss out a couple names. I would start with Gus Greeper but she’s most likely already tagged and she’s on my Z-list so let’s go with… Lucas & Lesley, Jonathon Narvey, Onomatopoeia, Laura and Gus.