Shot in the Back

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Two positive things to mention today.

Crazy Canucks

1) We saw Alanah, our fellow Crazy Canucks podcaster who was visiting from Vancouver Island.

2) Matt launched his new site. Head over, check it out. When you register you’ll be able to access some tunes via download as well as a sleeve for one of the singles, enjoy!

Take the Blue Sky

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Today was such a Monday. It dragged on, it was grey, gloomy, and people weren’t in good moods. My feelings towards man on the crowded soggy bus ride home who was setting his ring tone on his phone for 20 minutes just typified how I’ve felt lately. Yes, I said “typify”, thanks Ryan Walter!.

When Friday is a Monday John and I are having some job woes right now. He’s looking since he’s got all his paperwork from the Canadian government, but we’re not having the party I anticipated. We’re busy, stressed, and scouring Monster and Workopolis for opportunities. We both have extensive experience and qualifications (and if you’d like to know more please contact me) but things just aren’t going our way. I haven’t spoken much as to why I left my recent position but technically “I was offered a lovely severance package so I accepted it”. Emotionally, it goes a lot deeper than that and even though I’ve put on a happy face, I’m still recovering…

I’m looking forward to tomorrow, I really am. We get to meet up with fellow Crazy Canucks podcast co-hosts for the Open Practice at GM Place. It will be really great to get the whole gang together, because in case you hadn’t realized, we record all episodes via the internet. John and I are the only ones actually in the same room together. I’m pretty excited to see Alanah again – she’s a total hockey blogger guru, and since she lives the furthest away, meetups like this are few and far between.

I am looking through the clouds at this point, although it just seems that our entire year has been a struggle, and things just never get any easier. But then again I suppose (and I’d like to believe) that makes John and I even stronger, as a couple and individually.

Missing Marty

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This past summer a really good friend of mine went away on vacation for two weeks with her husband. Upon their return home, they found their house had been broken into and most possessions were gone. I’m certain it was a devastating blow to the young married couple, being one of those myself, I know how hard things are in the first couple years together and this must have been quite the stressful situation.

Recently I remembered how much of a Canucks fan she used to be back in the day. Hanging around outside the Pacific Coliseum, getting Trev’s autograph [wiki], running into Corey Hirsch [wiki], and having a riot at the Canucks Family Carnival. Her favourite player was Marty Gelinas “Marty” and she had a signed jersey of good ol’ number 23.

Gelinas was a factor in the Canucks’ 1994 postseason run. Though they lost in the Stanley Cup Finals to the New York Rangers in 7 games, Gelinas himself had an opportunity to force overtime late in the deciding game. With Ranger goaltender Mike Richter at his mercy, Gelinas wristed the puck into the post, coming within an inch or two of tying the game. He had a strong career in Vancouver during his four year tenure there. His best season came in 1996-97 when he scored 35 goals and 68 points, highlighted by a four-goal game, and being voted the team’s Most Valuable Player after the season. [wiki]

The man who was traded to Carolina alongside the now PPV star, Kirk McLean will always have a place in our hearts. Unfortunately, my friend no longer has the prized uniform in her possession – it was a victim of the break-in last summer. If you have seen a signed Marty jersey around town, smelling like teenage girl from 1994 – please let me know.

The Crazy Canucks Episode #26

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Playoffs are on the horizon for our Vancouver Canucks and we discuss the last couple of wins, our new “fame” on and much more in Episode 26.

Dave is a healthy scratch on this episode, but the rest of the crew gathers to tackle the recent games, look ahead to who is coming up, and hash out some topics that the big media folks are drudging up. J.J. makes a call in from the game he went to against St. Louis(W), and we look at the other two games against Detroit(W) and Edmonton(W) in true TCC fashion.

Record as of this episode: 44-23-6
Northwest Division: 1st
Western Conference: 3rd

We also bring you some breaking news at the top of this episode regarding the Canucks and the world of podcasting, Alanah details her live blogging on the day of the Red Wings game, and J.J. presents some interesting insight to the slight against Naslund’s play even though the team record has been overly positive.

Visit website for Episode 26 show notes and links.