Tired of Flyers in your Mailbox?
byContributed by Duane Storey
I hate the mail. I hate walking down to get it. I hate how my landlord refuses to change his address and I have to sort his mail too. But most of all, I hate that my mailbox is always full of a bunch of useless flyers, considering I just huck them into the recycling bin as soon as I pull them out.
I’ve always wondered if there was something that I could do stop Canada Post from spamming my mailbox with flyers. It turns out, there is. All you need to do is place a small red sticker (about the size of a dime) near the front of the mailbox on the bottom. I tried this little trick the other day, not really sure if it was going to work or not. Not only did the mailbox lady not put anymore flyers in the next day, she weeded through everything in my mailbox and removed all the flyers currently in there.
So if you’re like me and simply put all those flyers in the recycling bin, go get a little red sticker and do one more small thing to help the environment.
Blogathon: Post #19
Update: Looks like the CBC picked up this story about… oh.. 6 months later [CBC News] since a campaign has begun to raise awareness for the Red Dot.