Canucks vs Wild Tonight

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

We’re going to the game tonight. It’ll be John’s first regular season game this late in the season. I’ll be wearing my Johnny Canuck t-shirt – we’re stoked. Thanks craigslist!

Prize Orca at GM Place

Wireless Lunch

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This is the first time I’ve done this – setup camp at a coffee shop to write. It was mimicked in Family Guy last night, too funny. Although I’m not writing a screenplay, I’m checking email, writing a blog post and then I will eat a chicken caesar wrap. For 5 bucks I got a wrap and free wireless over the next hour, I can’t complain.

I just happened upon this place, Java Express. It’s MUCH less crowded than a Blenz and it only took me about 4 minutes to walk here. Before leaving the office I checked out on this site – it suggested I try Blenz on Heather and Broadway or Cactus Club on Broadway and Granville. I started off walking in one direction and ended up here. I was going to snap a pic with my phone and bluetooth-it to my Macbook but I’m still too shy. I’m not ready for something like that right now, but I am now one of “those” people, and I have to accept it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

Doing McGeough Proud

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Here I am violating “Blog Vacation Day“. Mine usually is Sunday but since there’s only a few minutes left, I think I’m in the clear. This isn’t much of a blog post, just a tribute to a person in a whale suit.

Penalties, Explained by Fin

I’ve become quite the Fin fan ever since I met’em last year at Sapperton Days in New Westminster. Great team spirit, a head that spews steam, and since the friendly whale mascot of the Vancouver Canucks started to blog well, that just won me over.

Although he’s not a cool, athletic, and in-your-face as Super Grizz [Sportsecyclopedia]. Man that guy was fun, eh? He used to come to our high school and do fancy slam dunks off mini trampolines… but I digress.

There are some pretty hideous mascots out there, not to mention a couple that just freak the bejesus outta me. I think Fin’s also much better than having cheerleaders or double the amount of ice girls prancing around the rink.

And if that photo above doesn’t learn’ya a thing or two about calls, check out the post JJ’s got up. It’ll educate AND make your teeth ache – it’s just that sweet.

Tough Week for a Stats Junkie

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I have to admit, I love looking at my stats. I’m not being vain, and I don’t want to spy on people, I just think it’s interesting. The two programs I use are Stat Counter and Site Meter. Naturally the numbers and visits displayed on each vary greatly, but they both have their upsides. I use Stat Counter because the number of visits seems more accurate and Site Meter is better for recent referrals, and to find out what people are typing into search engines that’s leading them to your site. Unfortunately though, Site Meter’s been down for about 4 days now.


The entire site isn’t down, just my server.

s25 – Update
We are aware of delays and lag on s25 and are doing are best to resolve it. In this case we had a particular site that has been running a promotion, nearly quadrupling their traffic. We’re working on relocation this site to another server. We expect to see the lag dissipate over the weekend [Site Meter Blog]

Since I’m on s25 I haven’t had any updates in days, and this also affects any stats I would use to calculate my monthly or yearly unique visitors – this being a number that comes in handy when trying to monetize a blog, eh. I’ll wait it out through the weekend but maybe it’s time to find another service.

One of those days

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

After being out of my comfort zone at a new job and with a new computer, today just topped off this crazy week in a most appropriate way.

To start, this is the first place I’ve ever worked where I cannot wear jeans. My first big “office” job was 7 years ago and it was at a dotcom. I’ve gotten used to the open working environments, lots of internet access and casual dress.

JJ's New Shirt

Today was jeans day at the office, I guess I didn’t get the memo (no joke). At around 11:00 I went to the ladies room and discovered something rather shocking which made me look up and say, “you gotta be kidding me”. Apparently I had been walking around all morning with a hole in my pants. Not just a hole, it was a slit about 3 inches long and it was in a very… private place. My immediate reaction wasn’t panic, wondering if I’d be walking around the office all morning with my sensitive bits showing, it was just SERENITY NOW! Guh. Someone up there must be playing an awful lot of pranks on me over the last couple weeks.

I kept my wits about me and went into MacGyver mode, “how can I fix this” I thought to myself. I immediately removed the safety pin I had in my shirt (because I was wearing a chesty shirt today and thought I should pin it so that it’s more work friendly… but that’s another story). The safety pin came out, my sweater got zipped up and my pants got pinned. A real band-aid solution but it held out til I could visit the ONLY clothing store I could find on my lunch break to purchase a similar pair of pants.

I found pants, I didn’t care how much they were at long as they fit. I advised the clerks of my situation and I walked out of the store about 7 minutes later wearing my new purchase.

Now I just have to explain to my sister why the pants she lent me during our Victoria trip now have a safety pin in the crotch. This could be fun.