I just added two more widgets to my dashboard (this PC girl is thinkin her Mac’s lookin’ cooler all the time).
The first is a default flight tracker that came with my dashboard, which is coming in handy with my in-laws in the air right now. The second is a newly-added Cup Companion, keeping you up to date on scores and standings for all the rounds of the 2007 Stanley Cup playoffs.

My most-used have got to be the weather, calendar and occasionally the calculator. What are some favourites out there or what else would you recommend?
I have the place to myself today for the first time in… oh about 18 months. John‘s working a gig today, which I’m sure he’ll blog about later so I won’t ruin it here. We both woke up at 5 am on a Saturday, I made him some toast and sent him on his way. Over the last year he’s been the one to wake up with me before work and prepare my meal or coffee, it’s the least I could do.
I decided to take a little walk around the West End, unfortunately the Robson Market wasn’t open yet so I couldn’t browse around. Instead I got a coffee, enjoyed the fresh “it rained last night” smell and the warm morning sun. Then I did something I’ve been told every girl should do at least once; I bought myself flowers. I don’t know if it was the crisp spring air, the flip flops on my feet or the Grande dark roast in my hand but for a minute I felt a little odd. As though I should also have a snack dog in my purse, then I would be complete. That soon passed and I practically skipped home with my flowers in hand.
They’re pretty simple, I mean I’m not going to waste too much money on myself, what kind of girl do you think I am? But they’re a great addition to the dining room. All the laundry is downstairs dancing away and I can sit back, for about 45 minutes, enjoy my coffee, the sunshine, the flowers and actually feel pretty nice even after the devastating loss last night. I’m starting to think my husband should go to work every day.
Most people know how “fun” it is to drive around the Lower Mainland. Sometimes I think it was a great move to sell my car in 2005, especially on weekends like this. Between festivals, the Sun Run on Sunday and the usual road work, the city is going to be pretty painful to maneuver around over the next couple of days. Here are a couple events of note (including road closures).
The Vaisahki Festival kicked off last weekend with events in several cities, but today and tomorrow festivities ramp up with parades taking place in Surrey and Vancouver [Channel M] [Surrey Events]
With a record 50,000+ people participating in the Sun Run tomorrow, you know there are going to be road closures. From Georgia, Stanley Park, Pacific Blvd, the Burrard and Cambie bridges, you might want to avoid driving downtown all together.

Later today we’ll be heading to the airport to pick up my in-laws for their second trip to Vancouver. It’ll be a whirlwind tour once again but at least we’ll have more time than last year surrounding the wedding. The first step though, is getting to the airport on time. Oak street was a nightmare yesterday as was Granville, all thanks to trolley bus lines. Not to mention Cambie is a complete write off, which is evident by going to the Canada Line website and watching the bright red Traffic Alerts flow on in. Right now there’s Cambie Village, Cambie Bridge, West Pender and Broadway warnings.
It’s fantastic to see the city coming alive, especially now that it’s 8am on a Saturday and the sun is shining through the curtains and glaring out my laptop screen. Once we get John’s parents from YVR it’ll be smooth sailing the rest of the week.
On a side note, to catch Sun Runners in action tomorrow check out the KatKam – also try the course map above to find a good vantage point. I’m assuming the Granville Bridge would be right in the middle of the action but then again, it’ll be the only traffic artery in and out of downtown on that side. Good luck runners! (…and drivers!)
Open up today’s Province and you’ll see my mug, complete with my Fin puppet on page A4.
I’m the Canucks Fan of the Day and you can be too (ooh!) The Province is going absolutely nuts, just like the rest of this city. You can get your player poster in the paper every day and email your crazy fan stories and maybe win cool things or have your tale published as well.
Send your answer to “Vancouver will beat Dallas because…” to [email protected].
Update: Two episodes of The Crazy Canucks have been released over the last couple of days. Episode #28 is our traditional roundtable and Episode #29 features JJ and Alanah on a phone call after the MARATHON 4 OT win at GM Place last night. Head over to The Crazy Canucks podcast website to check’em out.
Update: Just letting this ride into the weekend, The Crazy Canucks podcast will be on CTV news on Monday night. Will keep everyone posted and let you know when you can expect to see John, JJ, Dave, Alanah (via webcam) and yours truly on the little screen.
The camera man just called the producer and said, “I’m sitting here with a bunch of donuts and a nice lady,” the person on the other end of the phone replied “what a nice combination.” The CBC contacted me a few days ago about a post I had written, it just so happens that it’s about donuts.
As I’m sitting here, there’s a CBC camera in my face and a donut in my mouth. John’s going to kill me for typing and eating at the same time, but it’s all in the name of “donuts”; more importantly, donut blogging. My fingers are getting sticky but I’m actually learning quite a bit about donut nutrition- no matter how silly I may look. I have to hold a donut in my mouth while I’m typing this and I think I’m starting to drool. I am feeling SO attractive right now.
John is being a great PA and getting me a moist dish towel so I can wipe my hands between each take. I am continuing to type while they take shots of the keyboard. I cracked a comment about how I wish we could do this with beer next time. I think I could handle about 20 takes of beer drinking better than I can all these donuts. Mmmm maple deliciousness dripping from my hands. (I just typed that line 8 times, deleted, then typed it again). After the last take John comments “Yay, you’re going to be stock footage!” The camera man Randy assures me that’s quite the possibility.
I don’t know when this will be up and when I can share my lovely donut story on the CBC National news, but I will be sure to keep everyone posted. It’s been really fun, silly and sugar-loaded, plus I get to have my blog shown on TV. The fact that I had to cram baked goods in my mouth repeatedly for close up shots isn’t the most comforting but… it’s all for the good of the blog, eh.
*Interesting side note: The interview was conducted remotely, so I had an ear piece to listen to the questions being directed my way. When the camera man was hooking me up to all the microphones and audio thingie ma bobs he passed an ear bud over to me then casually mentioned something about its cleanliness. He noted under his breath that the last person to have this bud in their ear was our Premier, Gordon Campbell. Aside from drinking lots of water after the shoot, I made good use of a couple of Q Tips as well.
Update: This segment will air on the National, tomorrow – Thursday April 12, 2007. Check local listings, due to the playoffs (god bless’em) time slots could be outta whack.
Update: I was on for about… 15 seconds, I was “token blogger” and Miss604.com or my name was never mentioned. Oh well. I think they wanted me to sound a little more shocked about the unhealthy badness of donuts, maybe my “I’ll eat a freakin donut if I wanna donut” approach didn’t suit the story :-P.