Rising Fame Through Baked Goods

Comments 22 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The camera man just called the producer and said, “I’m sitting here with a bunch of donuts and a nice lady,” the person on the other end of the phone replied “what a nice combination.” The CBC contacted me a few days ago about a post I had written, it just so happens that it’s about donuts.

CBCDonuts As I’m sitting here, there’s a CBC camera in my face and a donut in my mouth. John’s going to kill me for typing and eating at the same time, but it’s all in the name of “donuts”; more importantly, donut blogging. My fingers are getting sticky but I’m actually learning quite a bit about donut nutrition- no matter how silly I may look. I have to hold a donut in my mouth while I’m typing this and I think I’m starting to drool. I am feeling SO attractive right now.

John is being a great PA and getting me a moist dish towel so I can wipe my hands between each take. I am continuing to type while they take shots of the keyboard. I cracked a comment about how I wish we could do this with beer next time. I think I could handle about 20 takes of beer drinking better than I can all these donuts. Mmmm maple deliciousness dripping from my hands. (I just typed that line 8 times, deleted, then typed it again). After the last take John comments “Yay, you’re going to be stock footage!” The camera man Randy assures me that’s quite the possibility.

I don’t know when this will be up and when I can share my lovely donut story on the CBC National news, but I will be sure to keep everyone posted. It’s been really fun, silly and sugar-loaded, plus I get to have my blog shown on TV. The fact that I had to cram baked goods in my mouth repeatedly for close up shots isn’t the most comforting but… it’s all for the good of the blog, eh.

*Interesting side note: The interview was conducted remotely, so I had an ear piece to listen to the questions being directed my way. When the camera man was hooking me up to all the microphones and audio thingie ma bobs he passed an ear bud over to me then casually mentioned something about its cleanliness. He noted under his breath that the last person to have this bud in their ear was our Premier, Gordon Campbell. Aside from drinking lots of water after the shoot, I made good use of a couple of Q Tips as well.

My CBC Donut Fame
Photo credit: Paul Kukla

Update: This segment will air on the National, tomorrow – Thursday April 12, 2007. Check local listings, due to the playoffs (god bless’em) time slots could be outta whack.

Update: I was on for about… 15 seconds, I was “token blogger” and Miss604.com or my name was never mentioned. Oh well. I think they wanted me to sound a little more shocked about the unhealthy badness of donuts, maybe my “I’ll eat a freakin donut if I wanna donut” approach didn’t suit the story :-P.

The Crazy Canucks – Episode #27

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This it is folks, the fabled audio from the Open Practice is now up for your listening pleasure in Episode 27.

Canucks Open PracticeIt includes all of us (IN PERSON) in roundtable chat, various remarks and comments on the actual practice, the season in review and for a special treat, we have the story behind Cowan the Brabarian’s claim to fame this season. We interview the event host that was in charge of the section from whence the bra was tossed onto the ice. It’s an action-packed episode for sure!

Check it out on The Crazy Canucks website, you can listen, subscribe, download the mp3, leave us a comment and visit some links we have posted in the show notes.

Vancouver’s Urban History – Herzog and Foncie

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

After making a post about the Bowmac sign [mbv], I knew there was more that I wanted to say, but with a slightly different and more personal twist. It all has to do with the Fred Herzog exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery, which has been the talk of the town for several months.

fredherzog.jpg [Herzog] has produced a substantial body of photographs, taking urban life in Vancouver second-hand shops, vacant lots, neon signage and the crowds of people who have populated the city’s streets over the past fifty years-as his primary subject [VAG]

After looking at a bunch of Herzog photos, I recalled a picture I had seen of my Opa (Grandfather) that sits in my mother’s room on her dresser. It’s definitely a photo of him walking down Granville Street, you can see the neon “Studio” sign in the background, the Vogue’s marquee, and a bus stop for the #17 Oak and #19 Kingsway.

Foncie's Photo on Granville

On the back of the picture, there was a stamp that said “Foncies Photo 872 Granville Street, Vancouver 2, BC”. My dad told me about a man who would stand on Granville and take pictures of passersby, then give them a ticket to come back and claim their photograph. After getting my paws on the photo of my Opa, I did some Googling and I found a Flickr Group dedicated entirely to ‘Foncie’s Fotos’.

Foncie's Photo on GranvilleStreet photographer Foncie Pulice must have shot over a million people walking along Granville Street in Vancouver between 1946 and 1979. He’d hand you a ticket as you passed which you could redeem for your picture after 24 hours. There must be tens of thousands of these photos kicking around in albums, scrapbooks, etc. [Flickr Group: Foncies]

Foncie is famous for his unique, everyday shots of Vancouverites in his own right. There’s a great interview with him posted on Chuck Davis’ site.

People even made appointments for street pictures! “Oh, yes. They’d phone ahead and tell us what time they’d be walking down Granville. Dr. Peter Bell-Irving had members of his family photographed every year. I have shots showing one little tyke in that family growing all the way up to six-foot-five.” [Interview with Foncie Pulice: Chuck Davis.ca]

If you have your own Foncies photos kicking around, feel free to upload to the group or share your story. Although it doesn’t go back extremely far, it’s fun to uncover and rediscover little glimpses into Vancouver’s urban past.

RadioZoom Sparta Interview with Keeley Davis

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Episode #130 audio is now up for your listening pleasure. We had a wicked time at the Sparta show on Friday night and especially during our little podcasting adventures with Keeley Davis.

Jim Ward, subject of our last interview, was under the weather but when we went back stage and saw Keeley and were not disappointed. It was great to talk to the latest member of the band, contributor on their new album Threes, hear about his side projects and impressions of our fair city.

Run time is 40:43 and turn it up, this will kick your ass – at least the music will anyway. Check the site for show notes, links, audio player and mp3 [RadioZoom #130]

Get The Car Flags Ready

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I usually leave the hockey blogging to the professionals, but I have to make mention here since this is indeed Miss604’s Canuck Life. Yes, I’m a hockey fan, that ain’t a coincidence, and I’m pretty freakin stoked about our boys going to the playoffs.

Vancouver’s playoff spot is assured, so now it’s just a matter of positioning… specifically, whether can they win the Northwest Division title. Tonight’s game against LA can guarantee them that title, if they win and Minnesota loses to Edmonton tonight, outright. (Though really, WHO ever loses outright to Edmonton anymore? The Wild may just stay in this race for another game…) [CanucksAndBeyond]


We’ve been on a bit of a haitus on our Hockey Podcast but all you folks can breathe easy, you’ll probably have your Kool Aid this week.

So aside from the Canucks, who else do you want to see in the playoffs? Either playing against us or over in the Eastern conference?

Update: While we’re on the Canuck topic… My friend James pointed me toward an article in Vancouver Magazine that details the life, passion, career and personal endeavours of Captain Vancouver aka Trevor Linden.