The Blogging Sponsorship Scandal

Comments 29 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Bloggers have the power to publish their opinions and information to the internet and with a good following and decent readership traffic, they have a lot more influence than you’d imagine. They can promote causes, spread news like wildfire and even catch a thief so why is it that it’s super tough for a respectable blogger to find a corporate sponsor for a contest or event?

First things first, not all bloggers are created equal. For instance if a “monkey knife fight blog” wants to get the SPCA to sponsor an event, that may not be the best idea. However when a Vancouver blogger wants to promote restaurants and businesses in the city, what does it take to get a company to hop on board? For example, I’ve personally been told by at least thirty people that my (unsolicited) blog post recommendation to visit a certain butcher shop/deli turned them into faithful regulars of the establishment – score! Blogging equals links equals customers.

Photo credit: Roland Tanglao on Flickr

Recently I’ve been asked twice about finding a sponsor for an event. The first being CaseCamp, which you’d think would be an advertising exec’s DREAM. A packed house of marketing professionals all dialed into social media? What better way to get visibility. The second is Duane’s StartupWeekend. Dozens of tech-minded, career-driven entrepreneurs getting together to build a product or even a new company – why wouldn’t you want to have your business or product showcased for these people?

I know I had a heck of a time finding sponsors for my blogiversary contest. Without going into too many details about my site traffic per month (let’s just say it’s probably close to the population of White Rock), why wouldn’t companies want to get their name in there? It would be FAR cheaper than placing an ad in a newspaper and you’d get a) instant traffic to your own website and b) new customers, should people enjoy the product. Also if it’s as a part of a contest, we all know the benefits of a gift card or gift certificate; you get that person in the door and spending and they’re likely to come back and spend.

I’m grateful to Mount Seymour and the Vancouver Giants for embracing this and their openess to sponsor my past contest. Because of such, I feel even more encouraged to go to Giants games and to carve up Seymour. A positive experience with an organization can go a long way.

Now I don’t know the legalities of some situations – I don’t claim to know much about anything, really – and I personally don’t have any contests going on so this isn’t a plea for my own gain. This is pretty much just to find out… why not ? Why are companies so hesitant to sponsor anything to do with blogging when it could mean hundreds or thousands of hits to their website and have the potential for so many new customers (which we all know equals $$).

Leave your thoughts in the comments below. I’m looking for a little enlightenment and a bit of a discussion here although maybe we all just need to sit down and read the Social Media Marketing Playbook.

Raising the Roof Toque Tuesday

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Every so often while walking the streets of Vancouver you’ll have the chance to buy something. It may be a hot dog, fresh roasted chestnuts, a print from that guy who draws black and white sketches Tupac and Wayne Gretzky, or perhaps a daily newspaper.

On Tuesday February 5th, volunteers will take to the streets of Vancouver, Surrey, New Westminster and Burnaby with toques and baseball caps for sale – all proceeds going to local programs that will help out the homeless population in those areas.


As this is a nation-wide program I contacted the local rep for “Raising the Roof” (and no, I’m not talking about Raising the Roof at the Olympic speed skating oval in Richmond) to find out how our region will specifically benefit from this campaign.

This year the proceeds from toque and cap sales in BC will benefit two Lower Mainland charities. Progressive Housing Society is a charitable society located in Burnaby that provides affordable housing and support services for adults with mental illness to enable them to live independently.

The second recipient is Bladerunners, an organization committed to providing unemployed, marginalized at-risk-youth with support, job readiness skills, and work-place training so that they can overcome their barriers to employment and achieve long-term attachment to the workforce.

Almost all of the funds raised from the sale of the toques and caps, that are $10 a piece, will stay in BC and support these local programs. If you don’t spot a toque campaign on February 5th in your area, you can also donate or purchase a toque online. The toques come in various colours (black or khaki) or you can grab a black baseball cap or a lovely fleece scarf.

Raising the Roof is currently looking for volunteers, in particular to help out on Toque Tuesday. If you would like to get involved, contact bc_toques [at] yahoo [dot] com or visit

Happy Blogiversary John

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

They say, “those who blog together, stay together.” Actually, I’m not sure who says that but I hope it rings true for my husband and I. The man who calls me his partner in crime was one of my inspirations to begin blogging in the first place and his blog is celebrating a blogiversary right now.

In January of 2004, John Bollwitt started blogging in Iowa about anything from tech news to being a small-town family boy working for a radio station “We fried a computer at the station the other day. I say this literally. There was a snap, and the smell of burning components filled the room…” [jan 22, 2004]

Ten months later he published his first podcast on RadioZoom he would then go on to be the producer of The Crazy Canucks podcast.

Photo credit: © black_siren on Flickr – all rights reserved

Since getting his big time day job here in Vancouver he hasn’t had much time to blog as much as he’d like so I’m going to promote his works a bit with some ultimate link love. He’s come a long way from his blogspot blog (and a long way from Iowa) but he’s still my inspiration for every single post I write.

My blog all time “best of” moments:

  • John seeing Kerouac’s Scroll. [jan 25, 2005]
  • John meeting a drunken Ira Glass [dec 5 2005]
  • John needing better music at hockey games (and getting some flack for writing this post) [dec 6 2006]
  • John complaining about his wedding ring [march 1 2006]
  • And it says a lot that John’s categories with the most posts under them are “podcasting“, “adventures“, and “rock and roll“. Also to his credit, his “hockey” category is rather impressive.
  • I know he misses having an outlet for his mad writing skillz, but it’s okay, I’m still a subscriber. He seriously also deserves a medal for putting up with me through a host change AND a Blogger to WordPress change all in the SAME week (and later from a PC to Mac). Head to John’s site and explore his archives (start at October 2005 in particular to see his impressions of Vancouver when he first moved here) and check out his various projects. Here’s to many more years of blogging and podcasting, babe.

    Canadian Blog Awards

    Comments 14 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    It looks like I’ve been nominated for the Canadian Blog Awards (2007) but instead of telling all my readers to rush over and vote for me (although I really won’t stop you) here are a couple of my peers who have been nominated in various categories as well.

    Some Nominees (there are many more categories though):

  • Best Blog (vote here): Matthew Good and also Raymi the Minx
  • Best New Blog (vote here): Buzz Bishop
  • Best Photo/Art Blog (vote here): PhilOgynist and also PhotoJunkie
  • Best Political Blog (vote here): Matthew Good
  • Best Group Blog (vote here): DeSmogBlog and Beyond Robson (although BR is basically Sean Orr… I’d vote for him in another category).
  • Best Humour Blog (vote here): Raymi the Minx
  • Best Blog Post (vote here): Meg Fowler
  • You can vote only once per category, per round. Unlike previous years, you do not get one vote per day.

    I have been nominated in a couple of categories but just looking at the others in the Best Blog (vote here) listing, I don’t even want to stand a chance since – those are some of my favourite blogs in there.

    I figure since I’ve also been nominated for Best Local Blog (vote here), and Best Blogosphere Citizen (vote here), that I might have a shot in those categories.

    Unfortunately when you get to the “voting” page you can’t click to view the websites. They really should have installed the WP-Polls plugin that I use. You’ll have to go to the main page of the CBAs to review.

    Vote now until January21st (first round ends) then the second round will commence with the finalists. Best of luck to everyone, though I’m really not sure what you win aside from a poorly rendered jpg badge for your sidebar.

    Test the Nation: More Info and BC Bloggers

    Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    Update: There’s a blog on Test the Nation talking about the Blogger Team members who are blogging. Sweet. Oh and Samantha Bee *is* our assigned celebrity.

    On Saturday I fly out to Toronto for a trivia quiz along with about a hundred other contestants from various careers and walks of life to participate in Test the Nation on the CBC. Those watching at home on Sunday January 20th at 8:00pm will be able to play along with the television show, or even online. There are several teams (cab drivers, bloggers, backpackers, celebrity impersonators, chefs, and flight attendants) and we’ll all be put to the test with some 21st century trivia.

    From the first Test the Nation.
    They’ll want bloggers to wear outfits that they’re used to blogging in… so I guess message t-shirts and pajama pants covered in food stains from eating in the darkness of our parents’ basement, eh

    We’ll be asigned a celebrity to represent us as a whole as well, and there’s a badge up on the Test the Nation site where you can vote for which team you think is going to win – so far flight attendants are ahead of us in the polls.

    As a bit of a preview and to pump up my team a little, here are your west coast bloggers that are flying out to represent Vancouver and BC: Buzz Bishop, Ryan Cousineau, Kate, Lainey, Kerry Anne, and Tod Maffin – let me know if I missed anyone. I don’t have time to showcase everyone else on the team but be sure to check out the list and click to some pretty interesting reads.