Taking RickRolling to a New Level

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

In recent weeks have you been forwarded a link by a trusted friend, colleague or contact only to have a YouTube version of “Never Gonna Give You Up” appear and auto-play in its place? If so, you’ve been Rick Roll’d.

Rick Roll: When what you think is a link to something you want to see actually directs you to a video of Rick Astley singing “Never Gonna Give You Up.”[Urban Dictionary]

I think the ultimate RickRoll master of the Metro Vancouver are has got to be John Biehler, he’s got me about 4 times already – one of which was in a comment on Alexa’s photo.

Photo Credit: hotmayo on Flickr

John said Adam Curry RickRoll’d listeners of the Daily Source Code the other day as well, but leave it to those clever folks in England who have now stepped it up another notch with “Rick Mob“:

Here’s a date for your diary – Friday 11th April, Liverpool Street Station, the plan is to be there for 6pm and sing the Astley classic Never Going To Give You – to effectively combine flashmobbing and rickrolling into one horrific combo, and rickroll an entire train station. [Going Underground]

In an LA Times interview Astley was pretty much wondering why anyone would want to hear such ‘cheese’ (or ‘naff’ as he puts it), and seemed most concerned about it embarrassing his daughter. Nevertheless, if you’ve been RickRoll’d, I know how you feel.

[Thanks to Roland for the heads up on the flash mob.]

Unofficial Trevor Linden Appreciation Day

Comments 16 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: Update June 2008: It has been announced that “Trevor Linden Day” in Vancouver will be the day the Canucks retire his jersey to the rafters in the fall. [News1130]

Update: Update December 2008: Info on Trevor Linden Night can be found here.

This Saturday the Canucks will play the Flames but it won’t mean anything as the nail was hammered into our coffin last night by those stinkin’ Oilers.

What this means is that Saturday might just be the last time we see Trevor Linden puts his heart and soul into a Canucks game – if they even play the guy who has carried Vancouver fans for 19 years. This town loves him so much there was a campaign to get him re-signed last year and many have even noted they’d vote him in as mayor in a heartbeat.

Photo Credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

This Saturday at the Flames game, show your support for Captain Vancouver:

Trevor Linden is the heart of the team. Even though he got 5 minutes a game, he still gives it every game. It may be his last game ever (hopefully not), so we should try and put in the effort to make it Trevor Linden’s special day against the Flames.

For people going to the game:
– Make chants
– Make Signs
– Wear your Linden Jerseys/Shirts

For people who aren’t going to the game – if your at the bar, if your at home, if your not watching the game, who cares. Sport TL everywhere, this man is unreal.

post good chants if you have one or what your going to write on your sign if you will be at the game.
[Facebook Event]

I had the pleasure of meeting Trevor on a Raise a Reader morning two years ago, and was supposed to meet him again last January but I was in Toronto – luckily John was able to take my place.

April 13, 1989 – A 19 year-old Trevor Linden scores vs the Flames

He’s been the most popular Canucks player, the one we’d all want to have a been with, and has represented Vancouver better than anyone else on the North American hockey stage (you know, even though he’s originally from Medicine Hat).

That excited kid with the fluffy hair posed slyly against the side of a fiery red mustang is now being bumped off lines, and has been a healthy scratch an obscene amount of games this season. Let’s make sure he knows how much Canucks fans truly appreciate his contribution to our hockey-watching lives.

Michael Geist E-Publishing and the Law Guest Live Blog

Comments 5 by Guest Author

No, Michael will not be liveblogging his own session but Raul has been gracious enough to share his liveblogging efforts with Miss604.com since I am unable to attend the event this evening. Check back now and then for updates to this post. Thanks Raul!

Rebecca and I have agreed that I’ll send her the code after the live-blog, so you should mosey over to her post as well. It’s 3:22 pm now, so I won’t be posting updates until I am actually physically there.

5:51 pm – I’ve introduced myself to Cristina Coraggio from the Canadian Journalism Federation, and set up shop here at the Social Lounge, St. John’s College (SJC). I’ve accredited myself as the official reporter for Miss604.com. I feel important 🙂

6:02pm – I’ve introduced myself to Michael Geist, indicating that I pretty much will try to type exactly as he speaks (more or less, I type over 70 wpm but who knows how things go. You’ll see). He said he’s not bothered by that or by whether or not I get something wrong. I promised to drop a comment on his blog so that he can know if I got what he said right. The room is starting to fill. And for those of you geeky types – he is using a Mac (although UBC set him up on a PC – hehehe). We’ll see if there are any compatibility issues. Continue reading this post ⟩⟩

Vancouver Blogger Profile: Duane Storey

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Continuing the Vancouver Blogger Profile series of bloggers who don’t necessarily have to be from Vancouver, here’s a feature on one of my very good friends. We met in person at a blogging conference just over a year ago and we’ve shared many good times together, from geeking out coding websites with John and I on our couch, camping in the pouring rain and getting a visit from his wonderful family, or flying down to Las Vegas for a weekend. Since his birthday is just a few days away his profile get this super special introduction so here I present to you, the Duane Storey.

Photo Credit: Duane Storey on Flickr

Who are you? I’m a jack of all trades really: Blogger. Drinker. Photographer. Lover. But mostly I’m just a small town guy that somehow ended up in the big city, a fact I remind myself of daily.

Where do you blog (which sites) ? The majority of my blog postings are on my own website, duanestorey.com, but I also contribute to several community blogs including matthewgood.org, and occasionally on urbanvancouver.com. I’m also going to be writing soon over at bravenewcode.com, a site where Dale Mugford and myself are going to start showcasing some of the more cutting-edge designs/code that we’ve been working on.

Are you originally from Vancouver? I actually grew up in Chilliwack, which is a small town about 150kms east of Vancouver, and led a pretty reserved life in the country up until I turned 18. At that time, it actually seemed extremely likely that I would spend my whole life back there since my family really couldn’t afford to send me to university. I had actually resolved myself to attending the local college in some basic science program until I got an 11th hour call from UBC saying I had received a full scholarship in their engineering program. Had that not happened, I really have no idea where I might have ended up. I’d probably be milking a cow somewhere right now.

Photo Credit: Duane Storey on Flickr

Why do you blog? I originally started blogging about ten years ago, mainly as a way to keep my parents up to date with my drunken debauchery out in Ottawa. At the time, everyone was just making their own static HTML pages, and things like WordPress and Drupal simply did not exist. As the technology evolved, so did my reasons for why I spent time blogging.

For the most part I blog because I think I have something to say. I’m still not really sure what that is, but with each passing year I find that my writing means more and more to me. Despite being a hard-core technology enthusiast, I also try to keep rather grounded and write with the belief that all people share common threads. Of all the entries I’ve written on my blog, I’m the most proud of my personal ones. And while they are few and far between, it really means something to me having a stranger approach me at a conference and say they were moved by something I once wrote, or that they could relate to something I went through and talked about on my blog.

What’s your favourite thing to write about? I write quite a bit about future technologies, which I find exciting. Most of my interest in that field really comes about because I find myself so pressed for time these days. When I encounter something that seems broken or completely unintuitive, I often try to think of a way to make it better. Usually those thoughts lead to a blog entry about how I envision things changing. I also like to blog about nachos, because quite simply they are my favorite food.

Photo Credit: Duane Storey on Flickr

What is the BEST part of blogging… or if you prefer, the worst? The best part of blogging, without a doubt, is having a chance to connect with people you’d never get an opportunity to meet in the real-world. When I got injured last year, I had an outpouring of sympathy from people I had never met who stumbled across my blog. I was literally lying on a couch back in Chilliwack with five broken bones in my face absolutely amazed with the genuine compassion people in the blogging world were affording me. One person went out of their way to send me money from New York so I could buy myself nachos with, and a few others tracked down my address at work so they could mail me some get-well-soon cards for when I got out of the hospital. It’s events like those that really validates the effort that goes into blogging and establishing those relationships, many of which ultimately turn into life-long friendships.

Do you write for yourself, your readers, for Google, for a living? I generally write for myself, although from time to time I do post entries that I think others might find interesting. I’ve tried using adsense a few times to make a few bucks, but considering how little money I made with it I just decided it wasn’t worth it for me to keep it up and ultimately detract from the look and feel of my blog.

Would you ever censor yourself/Do you feel the need to censor yourself? I definitely push the boundaries of what some people would think is appropriate given that my blog is a mix between my personal life and my professional career. At the end of the day though my blog is a personal blog, and if I had to make a choice, I’d ditch all the content related to the latter.

Photo Credit: Duane Storey on Flickr

I do censor my blog a bit with regards to my current job, and that’s something I started to do after an incident in Boston — I once posted a bunch of photos from a night at the bar after a conference. Unfortunately, even though it was after work hours and I was with friends, some of them ended up in the hands of some of our investors. Since I work for a public company, I took a bit of flack for making those images accessible online, even though I just considered them photos of some friends and me hanging out in a pub. Since that time, I’ve gone out of my way to not talk about anything directly or indirectly related to where I work.

PC, Mac or Speak n’ Spell? Definitely a Mac, although I wouldn’t mind my old Atari 2600 back.

Blogs you read or would recommend? I read lots daily, but obviously yours (miss604.com) is at the top of the list. Matthew Good’s website (matthewgood.org) and Raymi’s blog (raymitheminx.com) are both daily reads as well.

Massive Tech Show Recap

Comments 15 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I decided to attend the panel just ahead of my own in order to get some inspiration, and to get over some nervousness and jitters.

Moderated by Chris Breikss of 6S Marketing (the folks who were playing Guitar Hero on the tradeshow floor) Online Marketing 101 featured David Scott of Entellium, Fred Vallaeys of Google (AdWords), and Joanne Acri of Yahoo! Canada.

Despite it mostly sounding like a commercial for each panelist’s product, I was impressed by the practical knowledge (and geek cred) of Joanne from Yahoo!, “Know your consumer, make the website a tool.” I was distracted however, by the rotating slide show to the right of the presenters that was simply advertisements for the show and displays of the sponsor’s logos. I didn’t really need to see that Michael Tippett was giving a keynote at 9:30am, because no matter how interesting that would have been (and how much I would have liked to attend) it was now 3:00pm and this slide show was diverting my attention from the task at hand.

Thanks to Gus for snapping this during our panel

Now on to our panel, during which I was a crazy hand-talker who had the nervous shakes, I think it went really well. We all took turns saying who we worked for and what we do for that company – we weren’t living breathing commercials but we were all beacons for social media and its uses within business. Linda, Rob and Warren brought up some really great points while Monica was a diligent and entertaining moderator.

Thank you gift for being a speaker Once it was all over I had the pleasure of running into some familiar faces, blog readers, and some entrepreneurs with some great ideas and platforms. I was also handed a Thank You card from the conference, along with a gift. When I got to dinner this evening I opened up the card, which was hand-written (very nice touch) and discovered the lovely gift. It’s a glass computer mouse with the conference logo and my name, but I can’t help but think how strange it is to receive a paper weight from a tech conference. Perhaps it’s just as strange as a tech conference that had no available wifi.

Overall, I think the Massive Tech Show served its purpose for enterprise decision makers – “it is what it is” – and although it’s not any type of event I’m used to attending, it was a pleasure to be included on a panel with such knowledgeable folks. It was also nice to accumulate more to add to my swag pile.