New Media BC Video by Giant Ant Media

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last week I was interviewed by Leah and Jay from Giant Ant Media. The goal was to put together a video for New Media BC and they got us all talking about our experience with the events surrounding VIDFEST. You can now view the finished product on the Giant Ant website and I have to say, it looks pretty wicked.

Top Story: Check Your Meat, The Listeria Scare

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

John and I are huge fans of dinners that consist of sliced meats, cheeses, and gourmet multigrain and rosemary-infused crackers. When we first heard of the tainted meat/listeriosis outbreak (and subsequent recalls) we were slightly concerned.

Officially there are 21 confirmed cases [of listeriosis] across Canada, three in BC. Four deaths including one on Vancouver Island have been linked to the bacterium. [News1130]

We’ve had the chance to look over the official list of items that have been recalled and I believe we’re in the clear.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Federal Health Minister Tony Clement says the number of cases is stable, but it can take up to 90 days for the flu-like symptoms to appear… … check you packages of meat for the establishment code 97B stamped near the “best before” or “packed on” date.

You can find the list here and it includes more than just Maple Leaf brand items such as, the Tim Horton’s roast beef sandwich, McDonald’s sliced turkey, Safeway brand salami, and Western Family sliced cooked ham.

August 26th Update: Last night we were watching the Food Network and saw an announcement from Maple Leaf Foods. They now have this message from their CEO up on YouTube.

Day Tripping: Grouse Mountain

Comments 16 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Today’s adventure (which I’ve popped into my Day Tripping category) started out with a goal in mind: head up Grouse Mountain and go ziplining. Waking up at 7:30am on this drizzly Sunday morning, we knew that might not happen. Still, we packed up, donned our Gor-tex, and headed for the bus up the mountain regardless of the downpour.

Where the sbux resides
From my Flickr Set

If you’re like us and you don’t own a car, you can easily get to the base of Grouse Mountain by transit. We took the Sea Bus from downtown and on the other side hopped on the 236 bus at Lonsdale Quay, which took us the rest of the way in only 20 minutes.

Parking lots are at the base and everyone needs to ride the Skyride gondola up to the lodge, where there is much more to do than just ski (especially in the summer).

The adventurous (and physical) types may want to walk up the 3 vertical kilometers to reach the lodge and there were quite a few people our on the soggy trails this morning. Of course this is not an option in the winter but during the spring/summer season it’s a bit of a trek (with quite the pay off).

John and I were guests of Grouse today so we picked up our passes and headed up the Skyride. Upon reaching the lodge we couldn’t see further than 200 meters down the mountain. It was the first time that I had ever been up this local hill and the only views we had were of the rainclouds that were unleashing their goods upon us in buckets.

However, the good thing about Grouse is that even on a rainy day in the summer there are still several forms of entertainment high above the city.

We got some Saltspring Coffee (the Grouse Mountain roast) and took in the free movies at Theatre in the Sky. The footage in the movie was slightly outdated (false creek was not bursting at the seams with glass structures) however I can see its merit for tourists as it highlights areas of interest along the Pacific coast. I was more interested in the history of the mountain, which the first part of the movie touched upon.

The scenic chairlift was closed today, as there wasn’t too much to see in the rain, and I’m pretty sure some of the other demonstrations were canceled.

From my Flickr Set

There certainly wasn’t a lack of eateries and you can check out the website for the photos of the views we missed today. I really wish the Beavertails place would have been open though. If they are anything like the chocolatey goods you can get at Mount Washington, I would have devoured a couple.

We browsed the store and watched the screen that displayed a live log of Grouse Grind participants reaching their destination. Some people completing the vertical hike in 45 minutes, others in 1 hour 45 minutes – on a really crummy day in the rain it was nice to see everyone finish. (Note: If you do hike up, the only way down is the Skyride so you’ll have to purchase a one-way ticket to head back to the parking lot).

John’s highlight that, “made the whole day” for him, was seeing the grizzly bears, Grinder and Coola – who were orphaned and now live in a conservation area on Grouse.

We love walks in the rain and especially exploring our local parks and mountains. We weren’t too disappointed today, mostly since we’d both never been up we didn’t really know what we were missing – except for the sensational views I’ve seen in pictures.

Taking the transit bus back to downtown we were pretty soggy, jeans soaked up to the knees and my hair completely frizzed-out. Despite not being able to do the activity that lead us up the mountain, we still really enjoyed ourselves and are now planning our trip back up for the near future.

Vancouverites Represent at Gnomedex

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I know that Derek and Airdrie, DaveO, Kris, Tris, and Tanya are down at Gnomedex in Seattle this weekend but in case you are just tuning in, here are some more links and resources if you’d like to follow the mega-conference from your corner of the globe.

Photo credit: Derek Miller on Flickr
  • Sessions are streaming live on Chris Pirillo’s Ustream
  • Flickr photos are being tagged Gnomedex08 and there is a Flickr photo pool
  • There’s a Gnomedex Twitter account and Tweme
  • … and a Facebook group

  • Photo credit: Derek Miller on Flickr

    Gnomedex is an annual technical conference, coordinated by Lockergnome founder Chris Pirillo and his wife Ponzi Pirillo, that began in late 2001, and has so far been held seven times.

    It has been traditionally held in Des Moines, Iowa, Pirillo’s home town, but due to its size, moved to Lake Tahoe in 2004 and then Seattle in 2005, 2006 and 2007, where the Pirillos make their home. [wiki]

    Dave already has a great post up with the same type of link roundup and including notes about Kris’ talk this morning [Raincity]

    If you are also in attendance, please leave a link to your blog or posts in the comment below.

    National Digital Media Day 2008 Save the Date

    Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    Photo Credit: Boris Mann on Flickr

    On September 25th digital media producers and enthusiasts will get together for 24 hours of collaboration and celebration of the medium.

    An annual day to raise the profile of the digital media industry and celebrate the dynamic work taking place in this sector. In Canada, a massive cross-country event that will include gatherings, lobbying, education and celebrations. In other countries, linked in celebrations and demo camps.

    Locally there will be a PhotoCamp, a Mixer at Radical Entertainment, and BarCamp, which despite being two days later, will extend the celebration well into the weekend.

    You can follow the Ning social network, Facebook group or Facebook event page to keep on top of events across the country on that day.

    Jon Husband and I will be spearheading the national blogging effort. If you’re a blogger in another province, feel free to drop me a line to see how we can help get an initiative going in your neck of the woods. We’re going to try and come up with something really fun (and of course blog-related) for September 25th so stay tuned.