Breakfast with Jeff Pulver in Vancouver January 2009

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Breakfast with PulverIn June of 2008 I stopped by Subeez on Smithe to check out a breakfast event with Jeff Pulver. I didn’t know what to expect aside from a hot meal and “real time tagging” (in true social media meetup form) however I ended up walking away with a whole lot more.

“Jeff Pulver is the Chairman and Founder of, and one of the true pioneers of the VoIP industry and a leader in the emerging TV on the Net industry. Leveraging well over a decade of hands-on experience in Internet/IP communications and innovation, Mr. Pulver is a globally renowned thought leader, author and entrepreneur… …Additionally, Mr. Pulver is the founder of FWD, the VON Coalition, PrimeTimeRewind.TV, Vivox and is the co-founder of VoIP provider, Vonage.” [Jeff Pulver – About]

Jeff Pulver is also one amazing person; after knowing me for mere minutes he seemed to understand what I was going through at the time and offered immediate encouragement, reassurance, and insights that pretty much blew me away. He contributed to the Vancouver Blogathon campaign and was also responsible for getting me on the bill at CES even though I’m unable to make it (since we’re in the middle of an Iowa visit).

I would encourage all those able to come and join us for Jeff’s next breakfast in Vancouver that will take place January 11th. Please RSVP on the Facebook event in case we need to make reservations or for people like Raul (who tipped me off about this event) who are not on Facebook, leave a comment and he’ll add you to the reservation number.

Also if you have a suggestion for a great breakfast spot for a big group of people, let us know.

If you are not in Vancouver you can meet up with Jeff in the following cities in early 2009: Jan 13 – Los Angeles, Jan 14 – San Francisco, Jan 21 – New York City, Jan 22 – Boston, Jan 28 – London, Feb 4 – Philadelphia, Feb 5 – Washington, D.C.

Winter Classic 2009 in Chicago

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Winter Classic Sweater!I’ve been watching the NHL Winter Classic, which has the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings facing off on an outdoor rink at Wrigley Field in Chicago. It’s been great seeing the action along with a room full of Cubs fans to boot.

John found this clip a few weeks ago. “There is so much about this commercial that gets me excited and gives me goosebumps all at the same time. Also makes me shed a tear for the late, great Harry Caray[wiki].”

This game is pretty big news, and an excellent event to get the city of Chicago even more involved with their young team filled with stars. My sister in law even found an article about a Napa Valley winery that created a “Winter Classic Wine”.

On its face, hockey wine seems a bit like opera beer. After all, watching a player pull his opponent’s jersey over his head so he can throttle him blindly doesn’t exactly seem like a Merlot-sipping occasion. But the league’s VP-consumer products marketing, Jim Haskins, said the league’s fan base is more of a wine-drinking crowd than the sport’s blue-collar stereotype suggests.” [Advertising Edge]

The social media realm has also been really excited about NHL Director of Corporate Communications Mike DiLorenzo who has been Tweeting about the event and included early photos of the rink being setup.

Photo credit: Mike DiLorenzo on Twitpic
Photo credit: Mike DiLorenzo on Twitpic

It’s been a great game and the reference to Tiger Williams when Eager celebrated his goal was priceless. There’s nothing like an old-time hockey game and there’s also no place like Wrigley.

Related Post: A New Year and the Winter Classic (2008)

2008 in Review: July to December

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This is part two of my 2008 review in photos, covering July through December. After writing 840 posts throughout the year and welcoming a half-million readers to my site, 2008 was a phenomenal year.

July 2008
July 2008 Archives

I was a media partner for Surrey’s Canada Day celebration (the largest of its kind in Western Canada) so John and I hung out in Cloverdale, enjoyed the sunshine and caught some great concerts. A few days later I arranged blogger day at Playland with a few super cool friends.

Dolphin Presentation

In July I also established a great relationship with the Vancouver Aquarium and had a few visits to explore the facilities and learn more about the great work they do. I spoke at and liveblogged WordCamp Fraser Valley, was a media partner for Surrey’s Fusion Festival, I was on Shaw TV’s Urban Rush to talk about Blogathon and the first-ever “Blogathon Vancouver” raised over $12,000 collectively for charities thanks to 12 amazing bloggers in town.

August 2008
August 2008 Archives

Nice backdrop

My first Seattle Mariners game, our big trip to Kansas City, and being a judge for the Grey Goose Arbiter of Cool contest made for an adventurous August.

Kansas City and Me

We also took a soggy trip up Grouse Mountain and I flew to Calgary to be with my friend Tanya at a difficult time.

September 2008
September 2008 Archives

In September we kicked off a new season of The Crazy Canucks by doing a photoshoot with the Canucks. The result was seeing our faces across the city on the side of buses, on SkyTrain cars and at SkyTrain stations.

Photo credit: JMV on Flickr

Jeffery Simpson interviewed me for the Georgia Straight in an article my father said was the best explanation of social media and microblogging he’d read to date and our new company, sixty4media was a media partner for the Internet Marketing Conference.

A group of us bloggers were also invited Willy Wonka-style into the Molson Brewery for a night of tours and tastings. It was a pleasure to meet Mr. Rickard himself along with Mr. Molson.

Raul, me, and Gord Rickard – Photo credit: Tris Hussey on Flickr

September was a big month for blogging as I headed to Las Vegas for BlogWorld (with the help of DreamBank), interviewed one of my all-time favourite bands, Less Than Jake, and I participated in National Digital Media Day.

Mike Shinoda at Blog World Expo

Chris Demakes of Less Than Jake

I also liveblogged the Project Tunisia fundraiser, and helped put on WordCamp at BarCamp.

October 2008
October 2008 Archives

Gibson's Finest Iron Bar Competiton - Tasting cocktail by Justin from Boneta

In October I invited the lovely Colleen to join me at the Gibson’s Finest Iron Bar Competition, I interviewed the director, actor, and producer of the short film Centrigrade, and I had media accreditation (through my E!Online gig) for the Vancouver International Film Festival – (and I had my first ever dress sponsor (thanks to HBC) for the closing gala party). I was also able to cover a reception for the Gemini Awards in Vancouver.

VIFF 2008 Closing Gala Party - The Dress

Colin Cunningham and Madison Graie of Centigrade

This was also the month I started my weekly radio spot on Talk 1410am with Pat and Val in the afternoons.

I'm a Talk1410am Girl Now

October also had extensive coverage for the Provincial by-elections where I was able to interview several of the Vancouver Centre candidates and I liveblogged Interesting Vancouver.

November 2008
November 2008 Archives
Making a Scene 2008

In November I was on a panel at the Making a Scene conference, I covered a store opening/charity announcement, and I had a speaking engagement for a group of First Nations youth embarking on a social media journey.

Carmelita of the Tekkru Youth Media Group

I was also very busy preparing for the first annual Best of 604 awards although I was still able to report on the civic elections in Vancouver.

December 2008
December 2008 Archives

The Best of 604 awards raised over $1,800 for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and celebrated local web stars and heroes.

Center Ice

Banner Raising

I started two traditions this year… Blogathon Vancouver (based on the original global Blogathon) as well as the Best of 604 Awards. I’m looking forward to both of these events that celebrate bloggers while also raising funds and awareness for very worthy causes. I’m very proud of the hard work my peers have put into all of these events in which I’ve been able to participate and I’m thankful every day that each of you choose to return to and read my content.

Related Posts: 2008 in Review: Vancouver Concerts, 2008 in Review: January to June

2008 in Review: January to June

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve decided to do a photo post for my official “year in review” but going through my iPhoto and Flickr archives I realized it would be impossible to only choose one photo to represent each month. I’ve decided to do this recap of 2008 in two posts, January to June then July to December (which will follow later) each with photos representing each month.

January 2008 Archives

Several big things happened in January, the first was meeting Tom Larscheid and John Shorthouse up in the broadcast gondola of GM Place thanks to John.

Another was being named one of the “Tech Women to Watch” by Raincity Studios (which was celebrated among with the other fine women named at Launch Party).

There was also my flash trip to Toronto to be a part of the victorious Team Blogger on CBC’s television show, Test the Nation. I met some amazing bloggers and podcasters from across the country (and traveled with some too) and got to meet Samantha Bee (our assigned celebrity and blogger).

February 2008
February 2008 Archives

Photo credit: Keira-Anne on Flickr

I visited my friend Keira’s favourite little place to play in the snow for the first time last February. Mount Washington over on Vancouver Island is pretty darn amazing and I had a wonderful time hanging out in her hometown to boot.

Birthday Boris!

This was the month for Northern Voice where I live blogged, updated wikis, wore a sheriff badge, was on a panel, and captured my friend Dave’s now internet-famous talk, “F*ck Stats, Make Art“.

It was also in February that The Crazy Canucks did their first (official) podcast recordings from GM Place and I was on an episode of The Lab With Leo.

[Acquired From DownTheLab]

March 2008
March 2008 Archives

Proudest. Auntie. Ever.
In early March I became an auntie for the 4th time as baby Jakob was welcomed to the world.

In March I went to the launch of the Union Gospel Mission’s website, John and I had our photo in the Wall Street Journal (thanks to Darren) and we took a weekend getaway to lovely and refreshing Saltspring Island.

Rockin' Out

April 2008
April 2008 Archives

In April I liveblogged the inaugural Bridging Media Conference that was a great success. I was on a panel at the Massive Technology Show, I liveblogged the Open Web Conference, and I was a speaker (and liveblogged) WordCamp Vancouver.

On Top of the World

I met Pauline for the first time, took a trip to Osoyoos with John (where I wrote about Golden Beaver and Burrowing Owl Wineries), I watched Trevor Linden play in his last NHL game, and I took the time to address Cyberbullying.


May 2008
May 2008 Archives

I was a speaker at Convergence, I wrote a movie review for the 24 Hours newspaper, and I had media accreditation for New Music West.

Badged Up

I also started my Day Tripping series and along with Keira, had a lovely “mommy and me” ladies night out on the town.

June 2008
June 2008 Archives

This month I had several additions to my Metro Vancouver Park Series (including a few guest posts), and I got out to golf Ambleside for the first time.

Ambleside Par 3 - "F*ck Scores, Make Golf!"

I had media accreditation for the Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat Festival, I met Jeff Pulver at breakfast, I was on the CBC evening news (national) talking about and defending my hometown of Surrey.

John updated my WordPress theme,and I sponsored Joomla! Day in Vancouver.

Media Sponsor Swag FTW - Joomla! Day Vancouver Saturday June 14, 2008

We also went camping with Duane, got really soggy, but still managed to make campfire nachos.

If you’d like to continue this as a meme please do so, I’d love to see 2008 in photos by others as well.

Stay tuned for part two (July to December 2008) either later today or tomorrow as it’s action-packed with celebrity meetings, and tales of my plunge into self employment.

Related Posts: 2008 in Review: Vancouver Concerts.

WordCamp Whistler: Sponsors Needed

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

WordCamp!We’re nearing the 3-week mark until we kick off the first-ever WordCamp Whistler; a world-class conference in an amazing location all for the sake of networking, talking, and absorbing all that is WordPress (the world’s top blogging platform and system of choice for this site and many others).

However, we are still looking for a few sponsors at the various levels that can help us out with costs. In exchange (among other things) you’ll get link love, shout outs, and exposure to all guests and our global audience. Sponsorship packages start at $100 and go up to $2000 (where you will even get a small speaking slot to talk about your company).

Big huge thanks to 6S Marketing, Molson, and Automattic for signing on so far and for helping make WordCamp Whistler a reality.

Check out the sponsors page on the WordCamp Whistler website for more details and be sure to book your ticket as this is a not-to-miss social media event (heck, we even have awesome swag!)

Related posts: WordCamp Whistler 2009, WordCamp Whistler: Speaker Update