UBC Archives: The Great Trek

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The other day I visited the UBC Archives after messaging back and forth with archivist Erwin Wodarczak, who runs the @UBCArchives Twitter account. Being a big fan of local history, and having previously visited the Vancouver Archives, I was excited to discover artifacts from their vaults and see what kind of resources were available for research purposes.

UBC Archives

I read the minutes of the first Board of Governors, perused old photo albums depicting student life over the last century, and tried out the automated archive retrieval system.

UBC Archives

UBC Archives UBC Archives
UBC Archives UBC Archives

UBC Archives

One important piece of Vancouver history that was highlighted for me was the story of “The Great Trek” or “The Great Pilgrimage”. This was a peaceful protest by UBC students in order to finish building the campus out in Point Grey. Up until that time, they use facilities in Fairview — on the site of what is now Vancouver General Hospital.

Although a site commission had, several years earlier, selected Point Grey as the location for the new university, the outbreak of World War I in 1914 halted development of the site following the initial clearing of the land and some preliminary construction. Overcrowded lecture halls and inadequate laboratory facilities characterized the University’s early years at Fairview. Additional space had to be found as the number of students grew. Professors held agricultural classes in a private residence, French classes in the basement of a church un-used by its congregation during the week, and chemistry classes in the famous chemistry tent erected on the site.

Students on framework of Science building during pilgrimage. Source: UBC Archives

Students and faculty alike viewed the “shacks” at Fairview as a temporary inconvenience and looked forward to what they felt would be an imminent move to the new campus. Unfortunately, the inadequate Fairview facilities would serve as home to the University for its first full decade of existence. As the number of students attending UBC expanded, the frustration with government inaction on the construction of a new university campus also grew so much so that the students decided to take action. [The Great Trek Remembered]

In the spring of 1922, the student-run “Build the University” campaign began. Each would collect signatures on a petition wanting the government to resume construction of the Point Grey campus. With the petition in hand, signs, banners, cars and horses, 1,200 students walked from Fairview to the Point Grey site. They gathered within the shell of the Science Building, where construction was halted so many years before.

Source: UBC Archives

By the end of the campaign and the trek, they had approximately 56,000 signatures which they took to Victoria and were granted government funding to complete UBC’s campus. The cover of the school’s paper, The Ubyssey, read “Government Sees the Point!” on November 9, 1922.

Source: UBC Archives

There is a cairn on campus (West Mall) dedicated to the effort of the students. I’m looking forward to uncovering more stories, photos, and documents in future trips to the archives.

Documentarians Travel from Vancouver to Midway

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver photographer Kris Krüg wrote to me this morning from Midway Atoll, one of the most remote places on the planet, to inform me about his latest project.

Journey to Midway Island
Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr

Kris is with his friend, artist & activist Chris Jordan, who has been to Midway several times and produced the images seen in this YouTube video.

Journey to Midway Island
Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr

“He’s been mentoring me as a photographer, particulary in the area of printing my work for galleries, collections, and museums,” Kris told me, regarding Chris. “He asked me come along on the trip as a second camera and a social media documentarian.” Needless to say the offer was accepted.

Journey to Midway Island
Journey to Midway Island Journey to Midway Island Journey to Midway Island
Journey to Midway Island
All photos by kk+ on Flickr

What the team plans to do is create a feature-length documentary called Midway. Kris said they’re documenting the effects of plastic pollution in the ocean and after only day on the island, he’s already made grim discoveries. “Tens of thousands of baby albatross die each year of starvation and dehydration with bellies full of plastic. These babies have no feathers and have never left Midway. The mama birds and papa birds are out fishing at sea, picking up floating plastic garbage and debris, and bring it back to feed their babies. It’s horrific.”

Journey to Midway Island
Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr

I asked Kris how we at home and help, and the most support can come through simply sharing the images and updates he’s posting to his Flickr, Twitter, and blog. “For those with want to get involved at a deeper level we’ve received some grants and private finacing in addition to personally funding the trip out of our own pockets. Funds would help, but we’re making this movie one way or the other!”

Journey to Midway Island
Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr

Update March 29, 2011… More photos from the journey.

One Love One Ocean - Kris Krug on Midway Atoll

Journey to Midway Island

All photos by kk+ on Flickr

Follow the team: ChrisJordan.com, MidwayJourney.com, KrisKrug.com. Kris will return to Vancouver form Midway April 5, 2011. Read also my previous profile of Kris when he went down to Louisiana during the Gulf oil spill.

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival 2011

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival returns in timely fashion this weekend as pink buds are already sprouting from tree-lined streets. Festivities will take place around town from March 26th until April 22nd including some of the following events:

Today in Vancouver: The city springs into Spring!
Photo credit: [travelfox] on Flickr

Haiku Invitational
Submit your cherry blossom haiku online now until May 31, 2011.
Sakura Days Japan Fair
VanDusen Botanical Garden hosts a family-friendly festival April 2nd and 3rd from 10:00am until 5:00pm.
Cherry Jam Downtown
Burrard SkyTrain station downtown is home to dozens of blossoming trees. Enjoy festivities March 31st from 12:00pm until 1:30pm.
Cherry Jubilee
The performance Violionpower with Edmund Chung takes place April 9th at 5:00pm in CBC’s Studio 700.

Sping Cherry Bliss
Photo credit: P Squared Pics on Flickr

Visit the festival’s website to find out more about events, sign up to be a cherry scout, Bike the Blossoms, and locate blossoms around Vancouver. There’s also still time to purchase Birthday Blossoms in honor of Vancouver’s 125th anniversary, before March 29th.

Spring Break with the Family in Victoria

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For the last eight years we have been taking my niece to Victoria in the spring for a girls weekend. We shop, visit the museum, dine out, hit the spa, and explore the city by land and sea. This year was different as my sister and I took my niece and her best friend over for a few days just before spring break. My niece, whose friend had never been to Victoria before, and I called the shots as we planned the activity schedule.

Shopping in Victoria
On the top of my niece’s shopping list was the “Seeing is Believing” store on Government Street. I’m pretty sure we spent about an hour in there looking at novelties, getting zapped by trick pens, learning about new board games, and playing with toys that were bouncy, sticky, and gummy. It’s also on the same stretch of road as Rogers Chocolates where it’s almost necessary to stop in, try some samples, and pick up a chocolate truffle or two.

Referring to a map she picked up at breakfast, my niece also took us over to “Murray’s Trick & Joke Shop” where she and her friend were eying squirting roses that could fool their little brothers. Continue reading this post ⟩⟩

Vancouver Icons: Gassy Jack Statue

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

UPDATE 2022: The Gassy Jack statue has been toppled during the Women’s Memorial March.
UPDATE 2016: This is an important read: “Indigenous activists say the story of Gassy Jack is missing sordid details.”

Captain John “Gassy Jack” Deighton is a local legend and namesake for the area of downtown Vancouver known as Gastown. The Gassy Jack statue is one of the most photographed in Vancouver and is this week’s featured Vancouver Icon.

Vancouver - Gastown - Gassy Jack
Photo creditDeve82 on Flickr

Saloon proprietor Deighton headed toward the Burrard Inlet by canoe from New Westminster and saw a need that he could fulfill near the mill. In 1867 he told the workers in the harbour that they could have all the whiskey they could drink if they helped him build a saloon. Within 24 hours “The Globe” was up and running.

While there is nothing left of The Globe (or much else of Vancouver from that time period due to The Great Fire) the statue of Gassy Jack stands at Maple Tree Square, where Alexander, Carrall, Water and Powell meet.

1870 – VPL Accession Number: 24322

“The north edge of Maple Street Square was the location of the original shoreline at high tide during Deighton’s time. Most of the pre-fire wooden buildings on the north side of Maple Tree Square were constructed over the tidal flats on wooden piles.” [source]

Installed in 1970 the statue was commissioned by Larry Killam who was interested in improving business in the Gastown area at the time.

Morning Gastown photowalk - Blogathon

“Vern Simpson made the sculpture following a drawing by Fritz Jacobson. It was given as a Valentine’s Day gift to the City. Then Mayor Tom Campbell threatened to have it hauled away to the city dump. Vandals later decapitated it but the head was returned for a $50 reward.” [source]

Photo credit: joshbousel on Flickr

People pose with the statue, jump up on it, and have even dressed it up on occasion. Many laugh at the nickname “Gassy” (although it just meant he talked a lot) but his legacy lives on.

IMG_1773 meg + gassy jack JHS_3382
Photo credit: jools_78, ThaHipster, gramachree on Flickr

Nightlife thrives on Water and Carrall, through dance clubs, public houses, and fine drinking establishments featuring some of the city’s best mixologists.

Gastown Nights
Photo credit: ecstaticist on Flickr

Read more in the Vancouver Icons series…