Archive for the category "vancouver"

Vancouver Mini Maker Faire

Comments 46 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Walking through the PNE Forum last year, John and I were in awe of call the cool gadgets, roaming exhibits, and fascinating creations that were a part of Vancouver Mini Maker Faire. Robots were rolling around, inventions and crafts were being shown off, and the soldering station was full of dads and daughters working together. […]

Lynn Canyon Photowalk

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I’ve done the surprise party and the pub nights, I’ve hosted friends and family for dinner, and I’ve collected my free birthday beverages at local coffee shops but when 2016 rolled around I wanted to share what I love with some of the people I love the most in this world. For my birthday this […]

Bard on the Beach Summer 2016 Season

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There’s something very special about going to the theatre in Vancouver and something even more spectacular happens when that theatre experience takes place seaside, at sunset, on a gloriously warm summer night. Bard on the Beach returns this summer for its 27th season, with the white tents at Vanier Park hosting the award-winning Shakespeare Festival […]