Secret Path Week in Honour of Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack
bySecret Path Week October 17-22, 2020 with the Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund. Answer Gord’s call to action and create a reconciliACTION.
Secret Path Week October 17-22, 2020 with the Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund. Answer Gord’s call to action and create a reconciliACTION.
In the Beginning: A Cultural Sharing Nov 4-7, 2020 during the DTES Heart of the City Festival. Stories and history of Indigenous peoples in the area that is now called Vancouver prior to and during colonization.
Join the High Fives for Health Care campaign and support the health of our community, spread gratitude, and raise vital funds for BC health care.
Biggest Maple Tree in Canada is in Stanley Park, Vancouver. This impressive tree can be found just off the Rawlings Trail toward Hollow Tree
J-Horror at The Cinematheque – a frightening lineup of five films screening October 23-31, 2020 just in time for Halloween