Archive for the category "vancouver"

DemoCamp Vancouver Liveblog

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

What’s going on? From the wiki: Unlike other iterations of DemoCamp, the Vancouver event covers all industries. Idea people will be presenting innovations on all things ranging from business to charity, high-technology to high-art. The purpose is to encourage a cross-pollination of industries and individuals in hopes that people engaged in unrelated endeavors might provide […]

Canada's Project Runway and the Resurrection of Discollection

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It wasn’t long ago that I made a post to support the fill-a-bag sale over at Discollection [Miss604], although only a few weeks ago the vintage clothing store shut its doors due to problems with the building in which it was housed. From the design concept to the display ideas to the customer service and […]