Archive for the category "vancouver"

Centre of the Universe

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s something everyone West of Thunder Bay has come to accept, Toronto is the centre of the Canadian universe. We scoff at the CBC and their disregard for Western programming and hockey coverage, federal politicians have long-before snubbed those on this side of the Rockies and let’s face it, they get all the good shopping, […]

Last Day of Staycation

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve had two weeks off work and haven’t done much, although I think it was well overdue. The reason why I had 12.9 days saved up was because I didn’t take any time off last year, aside from lieu days for working my butt off even more. John took some time off as well, sure […]

Apparently It’s Winter in Vancouver

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Back East, they’re getting our usual weather. I heard it’s 14 degrees above the yearly average in Toronto. Meanwhile in the Lower Mainland, we all woke up to this strange white substance falling from the sky. We’ve seen it before, a few months ago, but I haven’t the foggiest as to why it’s coming down […]