Does it ever worry you when you head into the restaurant at a local restaurant and there’s a sign that reminds workers to be sure to wash their hands for a minimum amount of time or outlines the steps to proper hand washing? I do appreciate the friendly reminder for the staff but still… I […]
Last summer I took in my first game *ever* at Nat Bailey Stadium. Being a born and raised local that might come as a surprise although our little ballpark, neatly tucked away just south of downtown near Queen Elizabeth Park is lesser-known that I realized. It all starts with White Spot, really. Home of the […]
After camping last weekend I kinda thought that we would be taking it easy this week but that’s definitely not the case. On Friday afternoon I went out for a drink with work people – well more like the boss packed us all up early and lead us over to the Irish Heather for beer […]
For a while now I’ve been adding to my “Cheap Fun” and “Cheap Things to Do” blog post categories. Cultural festivals, ice skating, swimming, and taking advantage of the hundreds of parks in the Lower Mainland are just a few off the top of my head. I’ll try and add more items to this as […]
Photo credit: audihertz on Flickr This weekend we were dying for some patio times and really couldn’t think of anywhere to go. We didn’t want the usual place so I Googled to see what I could come up with. I found had success at VancouverPlus and the Georgia Straight’s Patio Guide []. We ended up […]