Archive for the category "vancouver"


Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

VIDFEST (Vancouver International Digital Festival) 2008 is fast-approaching and I’m just now beginning to comprehend how many elements, conferences, galas and events all fit under its 4-day festival umbrella. The Vancouver International Digital Festival is an event for the top creative minds working in digital media. Join visionaries from games and digital entertainment, Web 2.0, […]

The Power of Twitter: Tweet Apps and Clients

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Here are a few more tips and tricks that I’ve come across in the Twitter microblogging community: Twemes: First introduced at DemoCamp by Rochelle Grayson, Twemes is a website that comprehensively sorts and categorizes the things people Twitter about as long as they put a hashtag in front of it. Example, those currently at DrupalCamp […]

DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008 – Opening Night

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Thanks to the effort of many hardworking folks, DrupalCamp Vancouver officially launched this evening at Flux Bistro in Gastown. Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. [Drupal] Until Saturday evening the city will […]

The Power of Twitter

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

If you haven’t got your head around the concept of blogging, your mind might be blown with the latest term: microblogging. To those on Facebook, think “status updates”. Sites like Twitter, Jaiku and Pownce (just to name a few and not including all the video ones out there) allow folks to update their contacts or […]