The topic of “Umbrella Etiquette” in Vancouver is a dead horse and I’m about to give it another kick. For years now bloggers have published their own “rules of umbrella use” for public spaces, streets, and walkways: February 6, 2004 – Craigslist – NY: Official Rules Of Inclement Weather Umbrella Etiquette (found via LucLatulippe) November […]
Last month I put out a “Family Edition” of the Best of 604, focusing on parks, playgrounds and kid-friendly establishments. Having never been to one of the parks I recommended I did so solely on my sister’s advice. She has three kids, 7 years old and younger, so she knows a good park when she […]
They’re BACK! I’m pretty excited to know that I can soon go ice skating on Thursday afternoons for the Twonie skate at the West End CC. Although it will take a while to get the ice rinks setup, various community centres around the city are offering specials, after being closed for several months due to […]
Continuing my mini-series on cool people, Vancouver bloggers, bloggers and internet heroes, I had to contact Meg Fowler. She was nice enough to answer the questions provided, use the word “muffin”, create a brand new word, and make me giggle simply by reading her replies. Photo credit: Meg Fowler on Flickr Who are you?: […]
I can’t believe this has been kept off my radar this long but in preparation for BC’s 150th birthday, the government is initiating projects and activities all over the province in celebration of this milestone. BC150 Years celebrates the adventures, struggles, people, events and achievements that have shaped our provincial identity. It’s a celebration with […]