Archive for the category "vancouver"

Christmas in Vancouver: Santa Claus Parade

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

In honor of my friends who already have their houses decorated with trees in place, and my mother who also loves the season, I’m beginning a segment: Christmas in Vancouver. As John and I are leaving the country this coming Saturday we’re going to be missing out on quite a bit, just within the week […]

Remembrance in Vancouver

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

John and I are headed to the Island for a quick trip with my sister’s family. Since the Ghostly Walks in Victoria are only on Saturday nights, we may partake in our own creepy after-dark tour, finding the apparition of Robert Service above the “Seeing is Believing” store all by ourselves (oooohhhhhh!). We’re leaving super […]

Forbidden Stanley Park Trek, 1 Year Later

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This afternoon we grabbed some caffeinated beverages from a local coffee joint and headed to what is probably our favourite place in the city, Stanley Park. I couldn’t take in enough of the fresh autumn air. I love this time of year because the park just seems alive, from squirrels rustling up some grub for […]

Miss604 Poll: Skytrain Fare Enforcement

Comments 16 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Since the last two Miss604 Polls [1][2] were transit related, why not continue the theme. In the news this morning is the subject of turnstiles at Skytrain stations. I don’t know about you but two things I always thought were pretty cool were a) the honor system on Skytrain and b) there’s no one driving […]

Guide to Vancouver Area Rinks and Ice Skating

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

When I head out the door to make my trek to work these days I immediately take in the fresh fall air then exhale, making ghosts with my breath. It’s November – ALREADY and nothing says “winter activity” like hitting the local ice rink. Due to the recent civic strike that spanned summer and parts […]