Archive for the category "vancouver"

Vancouver 2010 Olympic Mascot Revealed in Surrey

Comments 40 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Today at 10:30am PT we’ll all find out if our mascot for the 2010 Olympic games will be a bear, a marmot, or another freakin’ orca of some kind. The unveiling will take place in Surrey at Sullivan Heights Secondary… more specifically the adjacent Bell Centre for the Performing Arts. I already blogged about past […]

Vancouver Social Media Scene: DemoCamp, Third Tuesday, Launch Party

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Between card games and rounds of turkey it was next to impossible to live blog DemoCampVancouver04. That, and I was thousands of miles away in America’s midwest. Fortunately, there has been some nice coverage of the event by attendees and participants. The Techvibes blog has a few recap posts about Nethook, Adhack and the super-entertaining […]

Avril Lavigne's Free Show for Burnaby Best Buy

Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This past week I heard nothing but “Girlfriend” remix by Avril Lavigne blaring from the back room at my in-law’s house. The two nieces were rehearsing a dance for the family, which they performed after Thanksgiving dinner. Photo credit: torontopaul on Flickr (with permission) Their dance was really sweet and thoughtfully choreographed but once the […]

Christmas in Vancouver: The Peak of Christmas on Grouse Mountain

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Now that the Grouse Grind is closed for the season, you can head up North Vancouver’s natural lookout for ice skating and more festive activities. Photo credit: Richard Eriksson on Flickr Enjoy Christmas carols, movies, sleigh rides, learn about Santa’s reindeer and get your pic taken with the man himself, all in a beautiful snow-dusted […]

Raincity Studios Acquires Bryght

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The guys who brought us social media rooftop bbq’s in Gastown, Bryght, have now been acquired by the the primo Drupal site, blog and podcast deliverers, Raincity Studios. This global-mega-hyper-conglomorate melds together the two single most important companies in Vancouver when it comes to web 2.0, imho. This morning’s news release states: The deal took […]