Archive for the category "vancouver"

Translink Schedules by Text

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

People have been trying to revolutionize the way get our Translink bus schedules for a while now because, let’s face it, they weren’t exactly cooking anything up themselves until recently. Yesterday they announced the new “Next Bus” service, where you can get instant schedule information for your bus stop, straight to your mobile phone by […]

Vancouver Social Media Scene: Launch Party With a Twiist

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I had never been to the Republic, actually I stopped going to “clubs” on Granville years ago but this was one mighty fine lookin’ joint. Launch Party Vancouver took place on the upper level, with sponsor logos being projected onto the towering cement walls and on flat panel TVs throughout the bar. In one corner […]

happyfrog: frogblog Testing Team

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

On a grey and rainy afternoon, the lovely Ms. Keira-Anne and I met up with DaveO at a steamy-windowed organic coffee shop. DaveO (the blogger, podcaster and social media evangelist) had a special mission just for us, and we were more than willing to accept. I swear the $100 cheque only had a little bit […]

Vancouver 2010 Store Opens, Mukmuk MIA

Comments 14 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver’s 2010 Olympics have a couple mascots, three to be precise. They’re all warm, fuzzy little creatures that are starting annoy the heck outta some people already. Since they’re pretty much developed for merchandising and marketing purposes I can see why they did the following: They made them all pretty easy for kids to draw. […]

Stanley Park Sea Wall Closed Again

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Did I not say somewhere that the sea wall still looked pretty sketchy and it didn’t seem like it was ready to re-open? What a crappy “I told you so” moment, the sea wall is closed again. Heavy snow yesterday and rainfall today has resulted in another closure of the Stanley Park Seawall. Park Board […]