With DemoCamp and Launch Party Vancouver out of the way we only have one week left until Northern Voice. Before that however, there is still CaseCamp this week. Here are some of the details: Photo Credit: teflonjedi on Flickr – From the Miss604 Group Flickr Pool I’m looking forward to Vancouver’s 3rd CaseCamp as it […]
Leading up to that special day that Hallmark created for us this Thursday, I want to feature things that I love, or maybe even just like-like a lot. Sure, my husband, family and friends are a given but these are some of the intangibles, some things that honestly, I wouldn’t be able to be without […]
When I was little I thought there was a mermaid perched on a rock almost 100 feet from the Sea Wall in Stanley Park. As it turns out one of the most recognizable marine landmarks in this city, the statue Girl in Wetsuit, actually does have a mermaid involved in her history. Photo credit: Pat […]
One of the highlights of my year in 2007 was meeting some members of the Canucks Alumni hockey team in North Vancouver. Dave Babych, Cliff Ronning and of course, GINO! It’s always fun to watch the stars you’ve admired over the years, those you grew up watching, and the local guys that made the Canucks […]
I’ve almost completely left the Chinese New Year celebrations slip by me this year. Today at 12:00pm (about 20 mins ago) the parade kicked of in Chinatown, starting at Pender and Carrall, “it travels northbound on Pender, east on Gore, south on Keefer and ends at Carall.” [News1130] Photo credit: SqueakyMarmot on Flickr Vancouver has […]