Archive for the category "vancouver"

What I'm Listening To

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

A few years go John had a blog post series called, “WILT” (What I’m Listening To). Inspired by Keira’s post about music yesterday, and Raul’s follow-up, here’s a sampling of what’s currently on my iPhone: Albums Nada Surf – The Weight is a Gift – They’re coming to town March 29th and playing the Commodore […]

Food Bank and Surrey Love

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Checking in this evening on some local non-profits, I found out about the following event coming up this month that will help raise funds for the Surrey Food Bank: Universal Cultural Society of Canada is hosting their second annual Holi Festival of Colours to Eliminate Racism. “Celebrating the colours of life for the elimination of […]