Archive for the category "vancouver"

Stanley Park Totem Pole Area Expansion Proposal

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: The Vancouver Park Board has voted unanimously for a 1,900 square foot addition to the Brockton Totem Pole Interpretive Centre. [News1130] It’s one of the first stops all the tour buses make as they cruise around our city’s beloved Stanley Park and recently there’s been a proposal to expand the totem pole visitor centre […]

Paws for a Cause in Vancouver

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

There’s just one day to go in the Benji, Casey, Pete and Bella campaign for Paws for a Cause. For months now Keira has been fundraising for this very worthy organization and Matt (who helped Duane and I with the Blogathon) also backed the fundraising effort with updates on his website.

IMC: Thoughts, Reflections, Heading Home

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Read all of my IMC posts and view my Flickr photos The last two days at the Internet Marketing Conference have been great. I learned that companies are using their websites and what most of their goals might be, that many marketers do not yet know the value of social media and SEO (or they […]

IMC: Tool Demos and More Panel Goodness

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Continuing my live blog coverage of the International Internet Marketing Association’s conference, the IMC, we’re now onto tool demos. First up is the SEO Browser, developed by two Calgary companies, which helps you optimize your website for search engines. Jeff Nelson of Anduro is presenting. Simply go to SEO Browser, enter the URL of a […]

Internet Marketing Conference: Welcome to Panel Day

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I walked to the conference this morning, meandering through the quiet West End streets, dodging bicycles and being dusted with the scent of fabric softener from the laundry vents of the walk-ups. The Coast Plaza on Denman is rustling this morning; the scent of bacon sizzling at Brasserie Bistro is making its way to my […]