Archive for the category "vancouver"

Car Free Day in Vancouver Summer 2008

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last year I didn’t get out to every festival, parade, or community event however the ones I did attend like the West End’s Block Party were pretty darn fun. Over on Commercial Drive they’ve been closing off the road and celebrating the community on foot (for a single day without vehicles) for several years. In […]

Army and Navy Shoe Sale, A Vancouver Tradition

Comments 16 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Although we no longer have the “$1.49 day – Woodwards” theme chiming through our radios there are still many traditions in local retail shopping that have lived on to the point of being legendary. Growing up in Surrey, it was always A&B Sound on Boxing Day, and in other cities it’s been the annual Army […] Sponsors Third Tuesday Vancouver

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s been a while since the first ever Third Tuesday over at the Soho Billiards in Yaletown but the events have really come together for communications professionals and the social media savvy (and newbies) in Vancouver. This month I’ve decided to sign on as the media sponsor for Third Tuesday on April 15th (thanks to […]

Eagles in the City

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Two years ago Vancouver was overrun with Spirit Bears on almost ever street corner. Photo credit: RightAntler on Flickr Batman, Darth Vader, and Brent Butt were some of the themes for these posed monuments that, once auctioned off at the end of the campaign, helped raise over half a million dollars for the BC Lions […]

How the Smoking Ban is Affecting Vancouverites

Comments 26 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As a follow up to my follow up post about the new smoking regulations in BC, I thought I would focus on the direct impact this is having on Vancouverites. A new province-wide regulation, effective March 31, bans smoking within three metres of those doorways, open windows and air intakes, so people who work in […]