Archive for the category "vancouver"

Vancouver Outdoor Pool Guide

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Does anyone remember last summer when the sun decided not to show up and city workers were on strike for months so park facilities, rec centres and pools were all closed? Well banish those sore memories from your minds and get ready for this weekend which is official kick off to outdoor recreation in the […]

604 Records Showcase at New Music West

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Tonight I took in my first taste of New Music West alongside Arieanna, Ianiv, and Duane (who was my official photographer for the evening) at the Red Room. The event was the 604 Records showcase – no relation although my ears did perk up whenever someone thanked ‘604’. We arrived in time to catch Jessie […]

Vancouver's Third Tuesday for May 2008

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Next week’s Third Tuesday is once again sponsored by in the form of blog coverage and prize offerings. What: Third Tuesday with guest speaker Darren Barefoot Where: Century House, 432 Richards Street When: Tuesday May 20th, 2008 @ 7:00pm (yes, I know I say 21st in the video) Stay tuned for live blog coverage […]

Day Tripping: Hell’s Gate

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

In the first post of the Day Tripping series I talked about the town of Hope being the gateway to holidayland, however it could also be looked at as the gateway to hell. Although heading north on Highway 1 is actually a quite lovely experience the fiery inferno of Hades is simply a reference to […]