Archive for the category "vancouver"

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: "A" is for Alex Fraser

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Kicking off the A-Z of Metro Vancouver I actually had a tough time getting started but I’m sure the rest will just come to me… right?. This is the first “A” name that came to mind and it’s a pretty good one – here’s a brief history of the Alex Fraser Bridge and the man […]

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Meet the Participants – Colleen

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Colleen Vince – While attending a Vancouver Podcaster Meetup at the Edge Cafe on Commercial Drive, I first met Colleen and hung out with some of the fine people behind the Row Three Podcast. This year Colleen has decided to take on the Blogathon, writing for 24 hours on her site. Colleen’s website: 353 Review […]

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Meet the Participants – Danny

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Danny Dang – “Danny Dang is a blogger, wannabe photographer, systems administrator, technophile, and a full time geek.” Twitter brought us together virtually and Fraser Valley WordCamp joined us in person… albeit again through Twitter while I was giving my presentation. Danny’s website: Danny’s cause: BCSPCA Paws for a Cause Danny’s Blogathon motivation: “My […]

Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Meet the Participants – Mehnaz

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Mehnaz Thawer – Mehnaz was one of the first people to sign up for Blogathon Vancouver, and this truly inspired me (and made me thankful I’d found her super entertaining blog). She was able to reach out to her charity and they even included her Blogathon effort in a press release: “Blogging is an excellent […]