Archive for the category "vancouver"

Food Bank Food Drive Reminder – Updated

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

A part of my job that I love the most is helping others – and since another part of my job is blogging, I love being able to combine the two. Tomorrow at Third Tuesday I will be holding a food drive for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society on top of providing the live […]

Questions for Vancouver-Burrard Candidates

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As previously noted, there will be a by-election in BC in the Vancouver-Burrard and Vancouver-Fairview provincial ridings on October 29th. I am currently lining up interviews with some of the candidates for Vancouver-Burrard and was wondering what my readers would like me to ask them. A few key points:

World of the Weird at the Vancouver Aquarium

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I completely forgot about a special event this morning that my niece and nephews probably would have loved to attend, luckily – it was just a preview of what the Vancouver Aquarium has in store for this Halloween season so there will be many more chances to check it out. World of the Weird at […]

Ideas on Tap Returns to Vancouver

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last night at Yaletown Brewing, 6s Marketing revived Ideas on Tap after a decade-long hiatus (you can read more about the history of the event over on the sixty4media blog). Ideas on Tap, an evening of networking that celebrates business n’ beer, saw five people from five seperate companies have one minute to pitch ideas […]

Vancouver Film and Television Blogging

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Ever since the days of 21 Jump Street, I knew that shows were filmed and produced in Vancouver. In my more formative years, the X-Files was represented the pinnacle of Vancouver television production and after I ran into Arnold at TGIFriday’s on Robson and Burrard (that is now Red Robin) I finally understood that the […]